On Thursday, Michigan lawmakers following the lead of Republican State Rep. James DeSana introduced articles of impeachment today in a House resolution co-sponsored by Neil Friske (R- 107th District), Joseph Fox (R- 101st District), Rachelle Smit (R-43rd District), Matt Maddock (R-51st District), Steve Carra (R-36th District), Josh Schriver (R-66th District), Angela Rigas (R-79th District).
“The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching civil officers for corrupt conduct in office. Attorney General Nessel has clearly breached the ethical standards of conduct of the office of attorney general,” said DeSana.
Representative DeSana introduced three articles of impeachment in his resolution.
Included in their resolution are three articles:
Article I states that Nessel violated her Constitutional Oath of office by failing to faithfully discharge the duties of her office by failing to charge any of the individuals responsible for forging and filing fraudulent voter registrations in Muskegon.
Article I outlines how MI AG Dana Nessel failed to satisfy her duties and abused her position as Attorney General. She has failed to charge individuals responsible for “clearly fraudulent” voter registration applications uncovered in a joint investigation involving her office in October 2020.
Not only did AG Nessel and SOS Benson fail to mention the statewide investigation into voter registration fraud, but no charges were filed against those involved despite the conclusion of SOS Investigator Corey Ames and the Muskegon Police Department detective, as detailed in the MSP report, that at least 18 of the sampled registration applications were “clearly fraudulent.”
The Gateway Pundit uncovered an alleged fraudulent voter registration ring, including “disturbing items found inside rented office space in Southfield, MI, that was used by GBI Strategies (allegedly owned and operated at the time by Gary Bell). Inside the room were burner phones, pre-paid and reloadable cards used to pay employees, semi-automatic rifles with suppressors, and modified pistols. On a whiteboard in the room where the guns were found, the heading ‘Hot Topics’ appeared. Under the heading, the words ;weapons in the field, prepared for shifts’ were found.”
Article II alleges “malfeasance of office and malicious prosecution of the 16 Michigan Republican Electors.”
The second article refers to AG Nessel charging 16 MI GOP electors who cast an alternate slate of electoral votes for President Trump in 2020 with 8 felonies each. All but two of the electors are senior citizens, and many live on fixed incomes. After the DOJ refused to take the case against the electors, and the Ingham County Prosecutor called her case against them “weak,” AG Dana Nessel plowed through with her plans to charge her political enemies with charges that if she were successful in proving, would amount to life sentences for many of them.
From the Resolution to Impeach Dana Nessel:
She has also filed felony charges against 16 individuals who signed a “Certificate of the Votes of the 2020 Electors from Michigan” and purported to cast ballots as Electors for the Republican nominees for President and Vice President when her own statements indicate that the specific intent element of the crimes charged, the intent to defraud, cannot be proven; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives that, Dana M. Nessel, Attorney General of the state of Michigan, is impeached for corrupt conduct in office. The following Articles of Impeachment are adopted by the House of Representatives and shall be exhibited to the Senate.
On July 18, 2023, when AG Nessel announced the charges against the 16 MI GOP alternate electors, she made clear the crux of her case was based on the fact that the electors knew Trump had lost the election by the time they cast their alternate slate of electoral votes for him, but they did it anyhow.
However, AG Nessel appeared as a guest at a liberal online event on September 22, where she refuted her own allegations against the voters entirely. Nessel naively responded, when queried about the Michigan GOP electors against whom she is jointly charged with eight felonies, that they were certain President Trump had won the 2020 election.”They legitimately believe that,” she further stated, adding that “Ingham County, where Lansing is situated, is an extremely, extremely liberal county,” implying that the Republican electors would be unable to obtain a fair trial. In essence, she conceded that the electors’ chances of winning their case would be exceedingly slim due to the “extremely, extremely liberal district” in which she elected to have them tried.
Steve Bannon, Newt Gingrich, Hollywood producer and actor Nick Searcy, former Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake, and Trump attorney John Eastman were among the prominent conservative figures who participated in the Save the Electors Telethon. To date, the campaign has generated slightly less than $156,000 on a GiveSendGo account, which is currently being investigated by the same lawless attorney general who charged each elector with eight felonies. The funds are being distributed in an equitable manner among the legal representatives of 15 out of the 16 voters who are financing their own defense.
Former Trump attorney John Eastman, who is additionally charged with defending President Trump, explains why it is critical that Americans do not capitulate to the far left, which is threatening and intimidating conservatives into speaking out against a tyrannical government through the use of legal tactics.
Eastman cautioned during his appearance on the Save the Electors Telethon that Democrats, including Attorney General Nessel, are directing their efforts at middle-class individuals, threatening to destroy their financial stability and life savings if they dare to question the outcome of one of the most contentious elections in American history.
Article III pertains to allegations of corruption about closing a criminal case. It follows below:
On July 13, 2022, in an article published in The Detroit News, it was alleged that Traci Kornak, the legal guardian of an individual living at an assisted living facility, had improperly billed an insurance company for care provided to her ward. Joe LeBlanc, now-former chief executive of the facility known as The Village of Heather Hills, alleged that Kornak had used the facility’s taxpayer identification number and federal employer identification number without their permission, and that she falsely indicated that the individual providing these services – later revealed to be Kornak’s daughter – was an employee of the facility. The article stated that, over the course of two years, Kornak billed the insurance company nearly 50,000 dollars for this care.
Attorney General Dana M. Nessel immediately expressed interest in this article, asking members of her staff whether this was something they should investigate and requesting that they keep her updated on the matter. In response to Nessel’s interest, the Financial Crimes Section of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Department of Attorney General began an investigation into Kornak.
During this investigation, Scott Teter, Division Chief of the Financial Crimes Division, became concerned about a conflict of interest presented by the past professional relationship between Nessel and Kornak. In 2018, Kornak assisted with Nessel’s transition into office after she was elected Attorney General. Teter believed that “it would create the appearance of impropriety for AG Nessel to access information about this investigation.” “Specifically, if the Department of Attorney General declined to seek charges against the suspect, it might appear that the professional relationship between Attorney General Nessel and Traci Kornak had influenced the investigation.” Therefore, he asked “for a conflict wall to be established preventing Attorney General Nessel from being provided or accessing any information related to this investigation.” The notice establishing this conflict wall was distributed to all staff members in the Department of Attorney General on September 7, 2022.
As of December 2022, this conflict wall was still active. In a December 2 email, employees were reminded to “[e]xclude Attorney General Dana Nessel from access to the . . . files in this matter.” On December 5, employees assigned to the case discussed closing the case, but an employee was still reviewing the matter. That same day, however, Aubrey Sargent, Chief of Investigations of the Criminal Investigations Division, emailed four reports on the Kornak case to Attorney General Nessel, in seeming disregard of the conflict wall.
On December 6, Attorney General Nessel emailed Sargent and Solicitor General Fadwa Hammoud about this case. Nessel stated that Kornak had contacted her seeking the documents from the investigation, because the allegations against her were holding up a potential judicial appointment for Kornak in Kent County. Nessel communicated her belief that Kornak “wants to be able to assert that the claims made . . . were never substantiated by our investigation and the case is closed.” Nessel also wrote: “There is some urgency to the matter in that she needs to supply this information by the week’s end.” The following day, Nessel forwarded the reports on the Kornak investigation to Chief Deputy Attorney General Christina Grossi.
While closing this investigation was being considered by members of the Department of Attorney General’s staff in late September 2022 and was discussed again on December 2, the investigation was not formally closed until at least December 19, when the staff member assigned to the matter wrote a memorandum where he “recommend[ed] closing this investigation.” This phrasing indicates that the investigation was officially still open before that date. Thus, the investigation was closed well after the Attorney General had communicated with staff on the case about Kornak’s urgent interest in being able to report that the investigation had been closed. There is no way to know what influence this had on the staff member’s December 19 recommendation to close the investigation.
Attorney General Nessel created at least the appearance of impropriety by communicating with staff members involved in the investigation of Kornak, Nessel’s former associate, before the investigation was formally closed. Regardless of whether Nessel’s actions breached the particular terms of the conflict wall, she should not have contacted staff members assigned to the matter in order to communicate Kornak’s interest in having the investigation closed quickly so that she could secure a judicial appointment. Writing that “[t]here is some urgency to the matter” could have put pressure on Nessel’s employees to close the file quickly, without further review.
Wherefore, Dana M. Nessel, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.; and be it furtherResolved, That in accordance with Article XI, Section 7 of the Michigan Constitution of 1963, the House of Representatives will proceed with the election of three members from its own body whose duty it shall be to prosecute such impeachment and that these members are authorized and empowered to prepare and present the Articles of Impeachment adopted by this resolution.