Commission approves funds for Conecuh Sausage plant

Commission approves funds for Conecuh Sausage plant

Published 9:15 am Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Covington County Commission approved additional funding for an economic development project with the City of Andalusia for Conecuh Sausage Company at a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 14.

The cost of fencing, sod, and other finishing touches at the location will be up to $240,000 in a partnership with the city. The commission approved providing up to $120,000 toward the project.

“We have joined the City of Andalusia in preparing a site for the recently announced expansion of Conecuh Sausage,” Chairman Greg White said. “There has been a great deal of site preparation. This is a great economic development project every community dreams of and works toward getting. This investment should benefit our communities for years to come.”

In other business:

  • The commission approved a retail table wine and retail beer license application for Bravo Investments, for a location on Highway 55 North. The approval was made following a change of ownership in the ongoing business.
  • The commission approved out-of-state travel for three Sheriff’s Department employees to attend training in Crestview, Florida. Commission policy states that any out-of-state travel by County officials or employees must be approved by the commission at an open meeting.
  • The commission approved the purchase of a 2024 Ford Explorer at a cost of approximately $39,500. The vehicle will be used by Covington County EMA and is a purchase from the annual state bid. This will provide a second vehicle for EMA.
  • The commission approved the purchase of a forklift for use in the county shop and yard and two trucks to be used in the county Engineer’s road department. The two trucks will be Ford F-350 and Ford F-550 models.
  • The commission initiated discussion of a possible logging permit. There is presently no permitting requirement. The commission heard from timber company representatives who were in attendance and County Engineer Lynn Ralls. This item was scheduled to provide notice with plans to schedule a public hearing on any proposed ordinance in the future, so no action was taken at the meeting.
  • The commission discussed the sale of the former Dist. 1 shop in Opp but did not take any action on the matter. State law requires specific steps for the sale of real estate, so the process will be reviewed with the county attorney.
  • The commission heard an update on the Covington Area Transit System from Director Tami Baxley, including that the Alabama Department of Transportation has approved purchasing transit vans. Due to the inability to acquire any vans in recent years, the commission approved the purchase of seven vans after hearing from Baxley.

The next meeting of the Covington County Commission will be held Tuesday, May 28, at 9 a.m., at the Covington County Administration Building. The public is invited to attend.
