Two Romanian churches proposed for UNESCO World Heritage status

Romania, May 17, 2024

Holy Dormition Church of Argeș Monastery. Photo: Wikipedia Holy Dormition Church of Argeș Monastery. Photo: Wikipedia     

Two churches in Romania that date back hundreds of years have been proposed for inclusion as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Minister of Culture Raluca Turcan announced on Wednesday that several cultural and natural monuments have been included in Romania’s tentative list, including the Three Holy Hierarchs Church in Iași and the Holy Dormition Church of the Curtea de Argeș Monastery, reports the Basilica News Agency.

Other proposed sites include two castles, several former communist prisons, and a cave near the Black Sea Coast.

Three Holy Hierarchs Church in Iași. Photo: Wikipedia Three Holy Hierarchs Church in Iași. Photo: Wikipedia     

The Three Holy Hierarchs Church of the monastery of the same name in Iași was founded in 1637–1639 by Prince Vasile Lupu. Within this monastic establishment, a printing press and a college, which later became the Royal Academy, operated. In 1970, the monastery was closed, and services were held only on its feast day on January 24th. The church resumed its full liturgical life after the fall of the communist regime.

The Dormition of the Mother of God Church of Argeș Monastery was built between 1514 and 1517 at the behest of St. Neagoe Basarab, who was then the ruler of Wallachia. The church is also associated with the anonymous legend of Meșterul Manole. The Curtea de Argeș Monastery served as a model for many other churches subsequently built in Wallachia.

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