Ancient Serbian monastery severely damaged in major storm

Negotin, Bor District, Serbia, May 16, 2024

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A 13th-century Serbian Orthodox monastery was severely damaged by a major storm that struck Negotin and the surrounding area in eastern Serbia last week.

According to the Diocese of Timok, the Bukovo Monastery “sustained significant material damage.”

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The abbot Archimandrite Kozma details the damage:

The basement rooms were flooded, with almost a meter and a half of water, affecting both the new and old lodgings, and the entire courtyard. The monastery wall cracked and collapsed, something even our older believers can’t recall happening. The rain and hail fell for just over an hour. In the basement rooms we have monastery products, wine, equipment, honey, a laundry room, washing machines, a dryer, kitchen equipment, and everything we use in the monastery. All our 15 hectares of vineyards have been damaged, and not just ours but also those of our neighbors.

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The diocese “invites all those who are able to help this 13th-century holy site,” using the information below:

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According to tradition, the monastery was either founded in the late 13th century by Ancient Serbian monastery severely damaged in major stormSt Stephen Milutin of SerbiaSaint Stephen was the younger son of King Stephen Urosh I, and grandson of First-Crowned King St Stephen. He ruled Serbia from 1275 to 1320.

“>St. Stefan Milutin, the king of Serbia from 1282 to 1321, or by Ancient Serbian monastery severely damaged in major stormSt Nicodemus the Sanctified of TismanaThe holiness of his life and the miracles he worked both during his lifetime and after his falling asleep in the Lord made the faithful venerate archimandrite Nicodemus as a saint as soon as he departed from this world.”>St. Nicodemus of Tismana in the 14th century.

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