Understanding Games that Nations Play : Libya —by Princewill Odidi

Understanding Games that Nations Play : Libya —by Princewill Odidi
Mr Princewill Odidi 
15 April 2019 
Egypt and Saudi Arabia two key American allies are providing arms to dissident armed faction to oust the UN supported government in Tripoli. France blocked a UN resolution to condemn the dissident. In all of these the US has kept quite. But to those who understand the chess games that nations play, it is obvious the powers that be want to change the UN supported central government in Libya.
Italy that is Libya former colonial masters and biggest investor in Libyan crude oil industry is left in the cold. 
To laymen, looking from outside, you will think it is just an internal dissent within Libya, but to observers of these games, those sponsoring and determining the peace or crisis in Libya, they seat on coffee tables in London, Paris and Washington DC, their primary interest is not stability in Tripoli but who buys or sells Libya crude oil and how it affects world prices. 
Let me abreast you with some deep secrets in these games big nations play with stability and wars in small countries. 
With Sanctions on Iran coming on soon, the oil boyz are looking up to Nigeria and Libya to put opec on check, to ensure that oil prices remain below one hundred dollars and more importantly to stabilize pump prices in America pending presidential elections next year. 
Nigeria’s Buhari is game, he is playing to the books of these oil lords, (that’s why I tell those who think Atiku has a chance at tribunal and Supreme Court that they are wasting their time, there are powers that have approved Buhari second term as a means to stabilize oil prices and put a check on opec from destabilizing global oil prices. 
The New York lobby group Eurecia spoke the mind of the international community endorsing Buhari three weeks before Nigeria’s general elections. What we did in February 23rd was just formalizing a decision already taken by world powers. 
Take it or leave it, that’s how the international system works.
Their biggest problem has been UN backed Libya government due to her closeness to Italy in destabilizing oil prices. while Libya has fixed general elections in December this year in an attempt to re-elect the UN backed government, Italy is seeking for extending the elections to May next year, there’s tension on the chess board to destabilize and bring on board a presidency that will be game to western oil last lords. 
I have argued once, that who becomes a countries president is never decided by local votes, but by the key actors in these games that nations play. They are so bad that they will use international election observers to legitimize a fraudulent election outcome just to maintain their candidate in power. 
When elephants fights, the grasses suffer. Africa will continue to be the worlds grass until we stand up and take charge of our affairs. 
Don’t be deceived by Americans quietness over the matter in Libya, America has ability and muscles to stop Egypt, Saudi Arabia and France from instigating war, but if they keep quite then they are complacent in the matter. 
The UN continues to be a toothless bulldog, shunning out un implementable suctions. While some call it Libyan civil war, we call it “Games that nations play.
Princewill Odidi is a social, economic and political commentator writing from Atlanta.