Breaking down exactly why Ken is so damn good in Street Fighter 6

Breaking down exactly why Ken is so damn good in Street Fighter 6

In our latest Talk and Block discussions Catalyst, DreamKing, and I are looking at what are likely the three best characters in Street Fighter 6 for two reasons: understand why they’re each so good, and identify what threads run through them all.

This should, in theory, help us not only understand and fight against these characters with more efficacy, but also shed a little light on what tools (or combinations thereof) are most important in Street Fighter 6. This time we have Ken Masters under the microscope.

It’s no secret that Ken excels at rushdown as he’s designed to be forward-moving and offense heavy in nature, but there are other characters who are able to spring forward faster and farther than he is, and they don’t seem to be winning tournaments and dominating online to the same degree.

We actually honed in a few of Ken’s key normals, crouching medium kick and standing heavy punch, that many have expressed frustration about to try get a better understanding of them.

When we compare them to the notably similar Ryu (he basically has the same attacks with very similar frame data) we realized that Ryu’s versions of both of these might be technically better than Ken’s.

That said, the kinds of options Ryu has to pair with these moves are not as threatening as his red gi wearing counterpart, and so this starts to look more like a “whole is greater than merely the sum of the parts” kind of situation.

Ken’s ability to rapidly carry foes to the corner is also of note, especially because the corner is such an incredibly desperate place to be in Street Fighter 6.

Check out what all we have to say about Ken (we recently had a similar discussion about Luke) and let us know in the comments (especially on the YouTube video, directly) what you think of Ken’s abilities and what makes him so darn good in SF6.
