Display of Naked Women At The International Carnival Calabar Unethical and Un-Biblical

Display of Naked Women At The International Carnival Calabar Unethical and Un-Biblical

Prince Thomas Abi Jr|30 December 2016

I saw with great shock the level of nudity displayed in the International Calabar Carnival. It is sad, unethical, un-Biblical and highly morally bankrupt to display naked women in the streets without any form of remorse.

Are we now Sodom and Gomorrah where naked women are paraded the streets? What are we teaching our children? Are we now asking our young daughters to indulge in immoral dressing that reveals very sensitive parts of their body?

Where is our sense of morality? How did we get to this level where naked women are celebrated in Cross River State?

I expect to see a state that does promote indecent dressing and irresponsibility. When we allow such dressing in our society what are teaching our children? Are we asking them to get involved in nudity and unglorified dressing?

In appropriate dressing is one of the major causes of sexual assault and harassment recorded  today in our society. So, promoting such type of dressing in a Carnival is not only painful, it is heart breaking , sad and very worrisome that our sense of judgement and moral rectitude has left us.

I do not see naked dressing as a form of civilization or exposure, it is gullible to think that our society allows such display of parts of the body.

Lest we forget, with such display of nudity, it has not only debased womanhood but it speaks bad of our dear state. No parent would want his or her daughter to visit Calabar with such legal nudity that was paraded during the International Carnival Calabar.

I strong condemn the recent parading of naked women and call on religious bodies, civil society groups, members of the public to condemn this disgraceful act.

Cross Riverians are known to be people with high moral value and not persons who promote immorality.

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst