C/River emerges 1st among 5 states in collaboration with dev't agencies –UN

C/River emerges 1st among 5 states in collaboration with dev't agencies –UN

Nyok|16 November 2018

Cross River State a sub-national entity in Nigeria has been rated top among the 36 states in the country in respect of collaboration with the United Nations NEGROIDHAVEN has confirmed.

This was disclosed Wednesday during the United Nations Sustainable Development Partnership Framework (UNSDPF) 2018 End of Year Review and 2019 Work Planning Meeting by Mr Kasei Amanqua, Head of the UN Resident Coordinator in Abuja and representative of the head of the UN in Nigeria while addressing bloggers/journalists in the sidelines of the meeting.

Amanqua observed that why Cross River  stands tall in the 5 lead states in the country is that the state government is forthcoming in the area of commitment, coordination, and the like. He also highlighted the fact that the creation of the Ministry of International Development Corporation (MIDC) reinforced that pedestal the state assumed and informed that the UN cites the state as an example.

His words, 'Cross River has been with the UN… We have tested and done what we call the 'Pilot Delivery As One' in this state and when we compare with other states where we worked and you see the performance, this is one of the state where we see that the government is very forthcoming in terms of commitment, bringing people together, doing the planning together, implementing them, reporting them, Cross River is on top of it.

'In terms of the coordination, this is one of the few states where they have created special purpose ministry to coordinate development partners, that is why they are called MIDC, it's no where in the country where we've been working. Because of that one, anywhere we go to in other states, we bring people from this state to go tell them how we are doing it in Cross River.

'So, Cross River is special in a way, they have been doing this one in a special way. That's why we rank them as one and that's why we have to start everything from where. So, that is our first bet, everywhere we go we want to use Cross River as a good example. Because they are delivering, they are serious, and we are also ready to help them to do whatever that they want to do.'

About 8 UN agencies have put their interventions together to support the development agenda of the state. The UNSDPF in Nigeria between 2018 to 2022 in Cross River has 154 activities with about N1.2 billion in the plan. 2018 witnessed the commencement of the UNSDPF.

The partnership between the 8 UN agencies and the government of Cross River aims to impact governance, human rights, peace, security, equitable quality basic services, and sustainable, inclusive, economic growth and development.

The 2018 End of Year Review and 2019 Work Planning Meeting which began on Wednesday 14th November ends today 16th.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is the Blogger-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of NEGROIDHAVEN