Efio-Ita Nyok|3 November 2016
As early as 12AM from far away Seoul, South Korea a bourgeoning Nigerian lawyer couldn’t help but propose to his girlfriend domiciled in Nigeria, asking for her hand in marriage. His proposal is getting everyone to talk. Get to know the reason:
First Baba Isa’s (fondly called FBI) marriage proposal to Juliet Abuo, his heartthrob for awhile is breathe taking, to say the least, especially considering the fact that the lawyer-turned-lover-boy in his marriage proposal via social media, at first, was seen to be mimicking an exit from the romantic relationship citing one Jiyoung Sok who recently stole his heart during his journey to South Korea.
It turned out that this ‘Jiyoung Sok’ would be a cute three year old whom the lover-boy must have met during his journey to the Asian country and it ignited his love for children and instinct of fatherhood. He would end his iconoclastic marriage proposal reminding his lovebird, Juliet that: ‘I want a cute little 3-year old like Jiyoung Sok, hugging me every day and brushing her lips on my cheek’. FBI and Juliet will be tying the nuptial knot come 15 and 17 December back in Nigeria. Congratulations Julie!
What follows is an excerpt of ‘Dear Juliet’, the brow raising marriage proposal that got everyone talking:
Dear Juliet,
‘I have pretended for so long that I am happy with what we have, what we share. I put up beautiful pictures of you, of us, online and people shower us with praises; some want what we have but what they don’t know, what you might know is that all these years with you, I have been unsatisfied… my heart has always yearn for more, for something bigger, for something better.
‘I have buried my head in that pretense for long, wishing that someone will hand me the happiness, the fulfilment and the “more” that I need. Somewhere in the quiet crevices of my mind I have always thought I deserve this “more” but the courage and resources to reach out for it has always eluded me… until I met Jiyoung Sok on the plane on my way from Hong Kong to South Korea recently.
‘It was love at first sight. She is beautiful in a way that defies elocution. Born of an Ethiopian mother and Korean father, she has a white skin that is embellished with voracious melanin. She looks like a resurrection of Cleopatra. Our eyes locked. I was petrified. She waved me a smile and like a robot, I reached out for her… Jiyoung flew into my arms and stayed there for a mighty long time.
‘Somewhere in the eternity of that hug, she pulled back and brushed her lips on my cheek. I melted into a sold awakening. That was my moment of epiphany. That was the moment I realized, dear Juliet that I don’t want what we share anymore. That is the moment I got the courage to reach out for the more I have always wanted. Jiyoung Sok’s hug has set me free.
‘I know you must have sensed that I wanted more, I must have hinted it somewhere in our discussions, and you must have sensed I am tired. Well, if you ever did, you are right… Juliet I am tired. I’m tired of the long calls. I’m tired of the Facebook romance. I’m tired of the smiles and goodnights. I love all of these but I want something more. Please let’s break this… let’s go for “more”… you deserve more too. Don’t you think?
‘Let’s break this and build from the fine blocks. Some of our friends and relatives might be disappointed, but hey dear Juliet, it’s our happiness we are talking about here. Let’s stop this please. Let’s go to that dark murky future and search for that more. I am not afraid anymore. No matter who I hurt, I want to do this. I deserve this. You deserve this too. Or don’t you?
‘And I want to do this once and for all. I don’t want to be going back and forth. No. I want to put a final close to where and what we are and have. I don’t want today to interfere with the tomorrow I’m reaching out for. Please don’t blame the Korean beauty, it’s not her fault, this is what I have always yearned for.
‘So please let’s do this properly once and for all. I will be back to Nigeria soon; so please can I come with my friends and family members to pay your bride price on the 15th of December, 2016? On that same day we will ask your father to bless us and usher us into that “more” that I yearn for.
‘And on the 17th of December 2016, I will be waiting for you in the church… will you come with your friends and family let’s take a vow breaking what we have and building “more” from the fine blocks?
‘I love everything you have given me, I enjoy everything we share and have… but I want more… I want a cute little 3-year old like Jiyoung Sok, hugging me every day and brushing her lips on my cheek. I want someone I can annoy for the rest of life, who will not have another house to rush to.
‘I want us to belong together to the sitting room, the kitchen and the other room… Oh the other room… and we will also conquer the world and impact lives… together.
‘Dear Juliet, will you come?
Your Boyfriend, who is begging to be your husband,
First Baba Isa.
12:15am, Thursday, 3-November-2016,
Seoul, South Korea’, FBI concluded.
Seoul, South Korea’, FBI concluded.
So, finally, finally… Juliet the young duckling-of-a-lover will walk down the aisle with this talk, lanky and brainy lawyer to recite the phrase: ‘I do’. Congratulations to the both of you! I wish you a blissful marital union.
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven.org
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven.org
Finally first baba is on the way to tide it…
Finally first baba is on the way to tide it…