[ 6 November 2016]
Credible information reaching our News desk avers that popular United Kingdom-based Nigerian gay and LGBT rights activist, Bisi Alimi and his supposed masculine fiance, Anthony, got married yesterday November 5th.
The above are shots from their wedding.
My Reaction:
There are so many things that have until recently being agitating my curious mind.
I have often wondered , where in the world our Human race is headed?
I have never seen a male dog mate with a male dog. I have never seen a female hen copulate with another of its kind, but today I hear and read about Male Homo sapiens , engage in sexual relations with another of same biological makeup.
Yet, we claim to be most rational Mammal. Such irrationality as morally debasing from a supposed rational beings is what I suppose the lower animals like the dogs and monkeys would see us ( Man ) do, and then shake her head in pity for our foolishness and moral decay.
If the supposed lower animals as well are quick to call them- do not engage in same sex marriage, why are we (Higher animals) doing such?
If in the animal kingdom, lesbianism & gayism etc are considered as morally debasing- a taboo in their world, why do we practice and give it a kudos?
These and others are many questions being for answers.
Nelson Amaobi Osuala
Is a Blogger & the Associate Editor of Negroidhaven.org