Who has done this to us as a Nation? ~by Princewill Odidi

Who has done this to us as a Nation? ~by Princewill Odidi

8 August 2018 
When your lieutenants abuse power and display impunity at will at the discharge of official functions it is not a failure of the lieutenants it is a failure of the President himself. It only shows he lacks capacity to call his lieutenants to Order. 
When you visit my house and my child is running around breaking windows and insulting guest at will, it is not because my child is stubborn it is rather a failure of parenthood. 
It took a lot of us a very long time to come to the conclusion and to accept that President BUHARI was not in control of the country. He had little or no idea on what has been going on in the country. It appears he is just contented sitting in his chair reading national dailies while the nation burns. 
I seriously doubt if you sit Buhari down one on one and ask him our national policy on health, education or Nigeria’s foreign policy on Africa, Asia or our import tariff regime as a nation, I doubt if he will know what you are talking about.
When children knows that their parents are laidback they often display acts of recklessness. DSS Daura display of foolishness earlier today is not an act he gave a second thought about, he has done things like these severally and nothing happened. 
Remember when Magu appeared before the senate, remember DSD security reports on him and nothing happened? How can a house divided against itself ever stand? 
Severally Daura has displayed acts of disloyalty and since he knows no one had the guts to call him to Order he reigned Supreme. Impunity upon impunity, and the supervision of gross abuse of power. If the President could not call him to order all this while then Mr President is complicit. 
Several Actions and abuse of court processes that have gone unnoticed under BUHARI there’s no way it would have happened under Obasanjo, or Jonathan. 
Imagine list of board of parastatals, several dead people appointed and announced, yet the SGF is not fired. Gross impunity and abuse of due process in NNPC, nothing happens, it is business as usual. 
For most of us, President Buhari has disappointed us. He has proved the country is too complex for him. Building roads and railways are great, improvement on our foreign reserves are great, but if your youthful population in their millions are starving, in a single day the entire reserves will deplete to nothing. 
In the past, writing on Buhari, I had argued that it may have been age, but I may be wrong because I know several seventy five year olds that are more active than young people. I am beginning to lean on opinions that he is tired and lacks the kind of capacity required to run a country like Nigeria. To be blunt, he lacks the mental capacity. And to think that he plans to run a second term only shows he hates his own people. 
Look at our rising unemployment, tens of thousands of young people graduating out of universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, nursing schools and after the completion of youth service nothing to do. 
Our young and vibrant population who constitute the productive forces of any society have been made dependent, some cannot even afford food. Our country with over 180 Million people,  we have no definite job creation policy, the only program initiative government came up with, Npower has no direction, very unproductive and grossly abused. 
Look at Malaysia, a country with our kind of population, to solve their massive unemployment, they invested in the garment industry, today almost 70 percent of their youthful population are engaged in a productive industry supplying garments to some of the largest merchant stores globally. 
In our own country, no matter how bright an idea you bring on board the politicians will kill it upon arrival if they will not make money in it. We try to copy similar projects in Malaysia but end up doing it the wrong way. 
In most Countries, Political participation is for service to the nation, in our country it is a money making venture. People kill, main, curse, just to gain power. Politicians and government officials sponsor insurgents and armed robberies just to increase security line of budget. Where is our conscience as a nation? 
The Church which serve as place of worship, in our clime it is used either for extortion or wizardry. We prefer to see our brothers die of thirst rather than hand him a cup of water. We prefer to see our brothers poor and bergally while we trample upon them with stolen wealth. As a people we have lost it totally. 
We crucified PDP for draining our economy, now APC has become the new PDP. Everything in our country today is for sale. You buy results, you buy appointments, you even pay someone to give you a job, and worst still the last hope of any possible change which are elections, you buy votes in exchange for money. Who has Nigeria  offended? who has done this to us? Amidst all our wealth in human and material resources, yet we got it so wrong!!!!
Princewill Odidi is a Public affairs Commentator writing from Atlanta USA.