"..Even If He Saw a Woman Win the US Elections…Bible says Believe Not Every Spirit"- Editor takes on Prophet T.B Joshua's Prophecy

"..Even If He Saw a Woman Win the US Elections...Bible says Believe Not Every Spirit"- Editor takes on Prophet T.B Joshua's Prophecy

Nelson A.Osuala [ 9 November 2016]

I have often said that I have problems with people who often with careless abandon bridge the seemingly divide between Religion and Politics!

I feel very uneasy and discomfort when Religious People and Leaders venture into the business of Politics based on sentiments and emotions,thereby prefer one candidate to the other.

When  I tell them that God isn't a politician.. they suppose that I am being to protective of God. But I wonder why they would never learn.

Reflecting on the outcome of the US presidential elections which saw the emergence of Donald Trump rather than Hilary Clinton.. I make bold to say like I had already foretold that God does not play dice!

He is not obligated to answer your prayers that Hilary Clinton should win the election Or even Donald Trump (at least, let me create the equilibrium)

Now, permit me to be precise at this juncture..

Credible information reaching our news desk avers that the General Overseer of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet T.B. Joshua, has retracted and also deleted his Prophecy on the media about Hillary Clinton, the Democrat, becoming the next President of America.

I am guessing that he considered it a slap for God to have disappointed him. I have a problem with that action of his.. to start with..!

Why can he not swallow his pride and say nothing and possibly for nothing about his earlier prophecy and visions which he alleged he saw some 10 days ago, in a transcendental vision.

I am inclined to say that, the Cleric (T.B Joshua) should have .meticulously asked his Visionary ( If nah God show am oh) whether such visions are for the masses (public) or for himself alone (private) to consume.

Apparently, God must have disappointed him along with many other so called religious people who came out with an unbridled tongue to sing the praise of Hillary Clinton as winner , even when the electioneering process is ongoing.

I am thinking that God decided to disappoint these religious emotive individual , including eminent personalities like Barack Obama and Wife, Bill Clinton, Celebrities like Beyonce and Husband, Jay Z and a vast others.

I make bold to say that from my little Knowledge about this God, who can be described as the quinthessence; the prima facie; the Quidity; the Actus Porous; the kpim- one I am inclined to call .. THE ABSOLUTE ZERO!

What I have known about him is that He dislikes “Injustice”, He enthrones whoever he wills, He can even enthrone a (Devilish but sincere Trump) than an angelic Hillary Clinton whose innermost intention and interest is concealed!

Don't get me wrong, I care less about whether the American President is a Female or No, I only have a problem with the majority's  choice for Hillary Clinton on the spurious logic of her being a Woman with many shades of Experience in the political arena.

My focus in this piece is on the controversial Nigerian Cleric, Prophet T.B Joshua.

He said he saw a woman win US elections..But I think he actually may have seen a Man, but the transgender problem of America.made the Man look like a woman. So, I conclude that he didn't see well.

Even if he did.. he should have kept quiet .. knowing that what he saw was PAST TENSE.. And that what matters is that which is  PRESENT, to wit,” What am I seeing”

Let all of mankind be liars.. I know God isn't.!

This is another good reason why RELIGION must not meddle or wash hands with POLITICS.

Conclusively, Not all visions and prophecies are for public discussions.. Pastors and Clerics who know this, will keep themselves from trouble, Period.!

Nelson A.Osuala
Is a Blogger & the Associate Editor of Negroidhaven.org