Peter Ofem Ubi|12 September 2016
There are no doubts in my mind every educated adult in Nigeria understands the change message embedded in the slogan “Change Begins With Me”. We have as Nigerians rather chosen to play politics as usual within the context of the message -pretending not to know what is clearly a defined message of personal responsibility and national re-orientation of our attitudes.
The truth is we know ourselves, and truth is always relative to some particular frame of reference. We as Nigerians are fully aware of the frame of reference to the message which lies at the heart of our negative attributes along side corruption that continues to eat deep into our society on a daily basis.
Behaviors can be regulated by law if properly enforced. In view of this reality, I say the tone is set by PMB's administration, and if we cannot follow -then mechanism should be put in place to regulate people's behaviors in compliance to the message. What do I mean? Here is a scenario: A practical demonstration of this change message is individuals policing themselves within the confines of their immediate office, commercial centers, and even their communities by stopping illegal activities by means of reporting them to the appropriate authority. The catch here is that the state must assure secrecy on the part of those who report incidents and have a method in place to follow up in case of any leakages that leads to a fight back.
In America -how are domestic children-abuse or child-neglect cases reported? Just using this as an example -there are government agencies set aside to deal with such issues, and most states have hot lines were incidents are reported and investigations are followed up. The point here is that the current administration in Nigeria can setup an agency or bureau of citizens complaint, where all manners of reporting can be done by citizens and their identities protected afterwards. With this proposition comes job creation for the unemployed which serves as a solution to solving the unemployment problem at best.
We start to regulate the attitudes of Nigerians in relation to what is considered criminal behavior such as bribery, extortion, pay to play, drug trafficking, etc. More so, false reporting wouldn't be acceptable practice should proper investigation reveal otherwise. Let Nigerians become an eye unto themselves. When you're not sure who is monitoring your bad deeds and reporting to the authorities, you are likely to act right and proper in the public domain.
This change message is no different to me in interpretation from what President Obama said in effect that “we are the change that we seek”.
Let me further attempt to clear my earlier point in this manner -not that you do not know, I believe many may be lacking in some fundamental realities on the response to the change message.
The truth is no entity has ever given recognition to the people except the people make their recognition noticed and acceptable to the established order…by this change message, the PMB administration is attempting to have Nigerians take possession of their country. Nigerians must rise up to the establishment by whatever means necessary within the boundaries of constitutional provisions. In this Change Message, Nigerian's understanding that they must own up to their responsibilities as good citizens is essential.
For us to accomplish the message of change from within, we must recognize our voice matter. And how do we do this?
1. Every voice and opinion is powerful…that is the change from me, I must know that. Our President and member of the legislature are elected to represent your vocal concerns which we must acknowledge starts from within us to chose or not to chose to support them. It is up to us the people to voice our concerns and to make that voice heard out loud across the land. If the people will take the time they spend to voice out loud on Facebook and convey their thoughts to the elected officials and follow up with them, their message on the any issue will be of great impact…that is change from within us (me).
2. Getting involve in the political process start from change within me and not the leadership.
While many may find it hard to believe, the process is our process and we're in control as members of the local constituent. The people enjoy more persuasive ability to influence all elected officials in state capitols and Abuja. Why? The people have the home court advantage because of the change they must recognize starts with them. The People's vote is an excellent example of change from within us (me)…simple as that.
We the people own our country and by that automatically are placed as the boss and not those in leadership -only we lack knowledge of that fact. Our failure to understand elected lawmaker serves at our pleasure is a big part of why our voice isn't recognized. We pretend not to know that change is within us. It is not only our responsibility but our duty to make our presence felt by our leaders…knowing you owe the key to change is an important first start.
In the current dispensation, Nigerians are engage in the political process by voting in elections, knowing who their elected representatives are, and contacting them with questions and concerns is how the voice of change from within becomes powerful, transparent and recognized.
I can go on and on -this political education will not be effective until the people accept their responsibilities and recognized they hold the key to making whatever ought to be, be in their democracy, and that starts by knowing that change can only come about from within us the people.
Peter Ofem Ubi
Writes from the US