We ain't asking for POWER, we're taking what rightfully belongs to US —YDP State Leader

We ain't asking for POWER, we're taking what rightfully belongs to US —YDP State Leader

Efio-Ita Nyok|20 September 2016

Recently, the State Leader of the Young Democratic Party (YDP) in the person of Anthony Bissong Attah took to his social media account to register a set of proposition delineating on the character of the newly registered political party in Nigeria, to wit, the YDP. For him, while others may think the YDP to be one if those political parties in Nigeria, it's a people oriented political movement. Hear Attah out:

'The Young Democratic Party is not just a political party. It is the PEOPLE'S Movement'.

Because Attah believes it's all about the people, he further proceeds to categorically state that,

'We are not asking for POWER. We are taking what tightly belongs to the US the PEOPLE'.

This people-oriented feature of the YDP brings to mind the popular definition of democracy by an American president which says, democracy is government by the people, of the people and for the people. Again, which 'people' is Attah and his fledgling YDP referring to? Research has it that of the 170 million Nigerians on God's planet earth, 130 million are youths. Over 70% of Nigerians are youth! If the sentiments of youth at heart is invoked, then there are about 140-150 million Nigerians who can effect a turnaround by the ballot and not the bullet. This is in certainty a movement —a people's movement!

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of NegroidHaven.org