TRUE CONFESSION: "Why I Am In Love With Pres. Buhari"- Sen. Ben Ayade.

TRUE CONFESSION: "Why I Am In Love With Pres. Buhari"- Sen. Ben Ayade.

Nelson A. Osuala[27 August 2016] 08:11AM

The Governor of Cross rivers State, Sen.Prof.Ben Ayade made a startling confession on Thursday, 25th of August  which was quite unbelievable.

He asserted that although he is a full flesh partisan with the  Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), he is however, inspired by the love,style and leadership abilities of President Muhammadu Buhari of APC.

For the CRS Governor, Pres. Buhari had surprised him beyond reasonable doubt through his selfless demonstration of concern for the development of Cross Rivers State without considering any party-line.

In his words:

“I am in love with the style and ability of President Muhammadu Buhari as leader of Nigerians. He does not see himself as a party leader but as father of the country.

His efforts at streamlining the country’s resources, as well as tackling corruption drew me closer to him. Besides, he has shown me love even though I am of the PDP. He gives utmost and prompt attention to my requests”

This confession by Sen.Ben Ayade goes to buttress LeRoy Eims unmistakeable qualities of a true Leader, which he argues include: A Saintly attitude; A  Servant heart; And a Sincere purpose.

Nelson A. Osuala
Is a Blogger & the Associate Editor of