ICT can Boost Economic Growth – By Ekemini James

ICT can Boost Economic Growth - By Ekemini James

Ekemini James|18 August 2016

Software engineers world over are calling on the Federal Government to divert its attention from Crude oil to ICT which can develop and sustain the country's economy. It is not longer news that Nigeria's economy which was the “Giant of Africa” not just by nomenclature and deed has fallen below expectations. And we cant keep quiet about it.

This piece is not to point accusing finger at anyone but to suggest practical ways of moving out of this stage. I want to state categorically that the economy could be boosted by billions of dollars over the next decade if businesses and government increase investment in Information and Communication Technology. The truth is, business can add growth by increasing investment in ICT.

ICT compliance increases their productivity in any area of specialization. Productivity is the cornerstone of economic growth. This is clear evidence that investing in technology can make Nigeria more productive and competitive which is critical to growth in this tough financial times.

This piece therefore aims at advising the Federal Government not to lag behind in global ICT market share considering that the sector contributes over 13 percent to the nation's GDP and can potentially over take some African countries. Government have a responsibility to put ICT policies at the heart of economic agenda.

Government should stop telling us they don't have money to implement their  agenda. Any government from local to federal level with the knowledge of financial engineering will source for fund to invest on ICT in order not to be stalled by rising inflation and dwindling revenue. There is still dearth of information, as well as the challenges of connecting Information Technology (IT) with governance and national economic policy.

The Geologists say oil reserves would totally deplete by 2048. The government and her agencies should embrace ICT and make it a priority for replacement if they want to meet up with the world's standard.

The bedrock of any flourishing economy is technology. The ICT sector if properly developed and managed could serve as replacement for the oil and gas sector in booting the Nation's economy and eliminating our current financial crisis.

Ekemini James
Writes from Akwa Ibom.