I'mn't Comfortable with Appointment for Appointment Sake! —Ray Ugba Murphy

I'mn't Comfortable with Appointment for Appointment Sake! —Ray Ugba Murphy

Efio-Ita Nyok|1 August

In further reaction to positive inquiries as the reason underlying his resignation from the Office of Special Adviser to the Governor of Cross River State on Strategy and National Contact, Ray Ugba Murphy on 30 July took to his Facebook page to explain his stance on his resignation of 18 July. It was a reiteration of his previous reasons. Excerpt:

#Re: My Resignation from the Office of Special Adviser to the Governor of CRS!
—By Raymond Ugba Murphy

I have been inundated by reactions mainly positive as well as enquires as to why I, on the 18th of July 2016 resigned from the appointment that Prof Ayade graciously extended to me as his Special Adviser, Strategy and National Contact! And I believe I owe my friends and enemies alike an eplanatiom of sorts.

First of all, let me state that every citizen is duty bound to serve his state when called to do so and it is on that basis that I accepted the appointment in the first place. CRS is our state and it is in dire need of its best hands particularly at this time when things are so difficult.

However, as I stated in that letter of resignation, my opting out, is not a repudiation of my state, it is rather my own way of helping the state cut expenses so givernment can pay the salaries of the thousands from CUDA to Sports Commission who are owed several month wages as well as pensioners who are also owed several months pensions.

As I said, I never received a mandate nor any assignment since I was appointed yet I had received wages for about 4 months when some of the truly needy and hard working civil servants were yet to be paid. In my considered view, that is immoral and I want no part of that!

Added to that is that any adviser worth his salt has no reason to remain in office if his advice is neither considered nor even reckoned with. This is even more imperative if the principal is obviously not performing as well as he could have!

As everyone who knows me personally can attest, I hold myself ready and willing to serve my people and my state in any capacity as long as I can make a meaningful contribution to the development of my state. An appointment for appointment sake is certainly not acceptable to me. And that was the case with the appointment I just resigned from.

Furthermore, my late father, Chief I.  I. Morphy would definitely have frowned at my involvement with any matter or administration whose credibility and integrity is in question. And being a student of Light, I must continue to hold myself to the highest ethical standards!

I hope this can put to rest all the unnecessary speculation about my personal decision to leave. I urge my friends to put to rest speculations on this matter. Right now, I am serving my people as a mentor, a chief, a guide and way-shower and that is more than sufficient and satisfactory to me.

Thanks for your love. May the Infinite continue to guide and illuminate our various paths as we take decisions worthy of posterity!

Your brother,
Ray Ugba Morphy

***Does this incident constitute a positive rating for the Ben Ayade led administration of the state?

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroidhaven.org (Negroid Haven)