I was having a private discussion with HE the Governor… —'Ivara Esu' replies critics

I was having a private discussion with HE the Governor... —'Ivara Esu' replies critics

Efio-Ita Nyok|16 June 2017 

Sympathisers of HE the Deputy Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ivara Esu, have risen to defend the object of their sympathy in relation to the picture making the rounds and pushing the sentiment that near-70 years old Deputy Governor Esu was demonstrating political loyalty to near-50 years old Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ben Ayade, by holding an umbrella over the Governor's head in public. 
NegroidHaven has learnt that one Peter Offem Ubi based in New York has said that Prof. Esu was having a private discussion with HE the Governor in company with another individual she can't identify now which she may have wrongly identified as Chief of General Staff to the Governor of the state. 
In the previous picture 'picmixed' to the right we see the ADCs of both the governor and his deputy holding their umbrella over them while on inspection of projects in  state. However, in the picture picmixed to the left the deputy is holding an umbrella over both his head and Governor's head while ADCs and 6 out of the 5, 096 aides are behind apparently not in the mix of the trio. 
Nevertheless, another explanation I want Ubi and co to offer is must ADCs hold umbrellas for their principals in Africa? Shei we are learning from the West, why we no imbibe western simplicity too? 

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven