Princewill Odidi|11 July 2016|7:11AM
I share my concern with the general insecurity as reported in Cross River State in the past months. Reports of Kidnapping expatriates, daylight armed robbery in the streets of Calabar, communal wars in Yakurr and Obubra, Street and cult killings in Calabar south.
Our State has been known for peaceful coexistence and harmony both for business and community living. It is our hope and believe that peace shall return in due course.
It is important we are not categorized like any of the rogue states in the Niger Delta and North Western Nigeria. The main yardstick international investors look at to make investment decisions apart from returns is peace and societal stability within the state.
Continued insecurity will not affect our existing industries, it will scare away potential investors and our international admirers. It is important we do not allow this incidences to start defining our state.
The short and long-term consequences of this breach of peace can place a negative stigma on us as a people and as a brand. A brand that took 16 years to build can be destroyed within a year if not properly protected.
Today, the security challenges in the Niger Delta states is so bad that most international multi national companies that were invited to participate in Ogoni oil clean up bid, most of them turned down the offer.
We have never had it so bad about Nigeria's image and business environment in almost 60 years of independence.
For Cross River state, most of my international partners have often referred to us as as “peaceful state”, it is important we do not loose that” brand”. In International business and investments, branding is everything.
The “peaceful state brand” is what will drive our tourism, trade and investment. It is important that those saddled with the responsibility to maintain the peace should step up in their game, most importantly, the people themselves should show some form of 21st century civility and detract from barbarism.
We have come a long way as a State, let us make Cross River State our dream paradise. I sue for peace.
Princewill Odidi
Is a Development Consultant writing from Atlanta, Georgia