Prince Michael Abuo- ''A decoy cast just playing to the gallery'' —By Emmanuel Herbert

Prince Michael Abuo- ''A decoy cast just playing to the gallery'' —By Emmanuel Herbert
Special Assistant Michael Nku Abuo 
Emmanuel Herbert|28 May 2017 
I have been so perturbed over michael abuo recent body language and write-ups on his social media platform,not because he is pillorying his principal nor because he is taking sides with some view of the masses but rather because he is simply playing to the gallery.Before questioning my personal view,let’s share some thoughts together.
Prince michael nku abuo(SA to CRS Governor on student affairs&youth mobilization). Wow! did I just heard ”SA student affairs”? My questions-
1.What role has he played in developing new ideas that will improve the academic affairs of CRS students since assumption of office?
2.Which seminar has he ever anchor via his office or in partnership with any viable NGO or any relevant institution toward the development of CRS students and our educational sector?
3.Has he ever carry out an educational tour project to inspire and interact with CRS students,so as to understand their challenges/needs and the best possible way to salvage them?
4.How accessible and attentive is he to the calls of CRS foreign scholars who have been trying to reach out to him for updates and issues pertaining  to their educational grants and other complains?
5.How many organizations,institutions and individuals has he reached out to,just for the purpose of attracting scholarships and other educational aids to CRS students at all level of education?
6.How many scholarship openings has he posted on his same social media platform for the benefit of an average CRS students?
So many sensitive questions which I won’t have all the time to ask now.Rather than directing his energy in fixing these up,this aide is rather pillorying over issues that the masses are grumbling over just to gain publicity,gather attention and stirred up emotions(Is he now our new era ABSALOM?),please let him stop playing selfish mind games.
My advice:
If he is really sincere in helping his principal, more effort should be put into the task he was assigned to. Till date, foreign scholars are still not paid, other students locally need aids too, let him think of a way out for them.
But if he feels his principal is wrong in decision and he want to criticize him he can respectfully and professionally do that in private,which I believe he knows how to get to him.
Note, no reasonable person will be comfortable with a character of such like even if carpet is being crossed for fear of being treated the same way. Lest we forget, loyalty is the keyword but loyalty alongside wisdom brings out the best.
On a final note, “an appointee is almost naked” hence if he want to openly criticize, let him simply tender his resignation and join the neutral masses else he maintain decorum,focus and cater properly for students need et al.
~Emmanuel Herbert
Is a Cross Riverian