BB Naija: TTN & Bassey's eviction demonstrates how disunited C'Riverians are —Bassey Archibong

BB Naija: TTN & Bassey's eviction demonstrates how disunited C'Riverians are —Bassey Archibong

Efio-Ita Nyok|27 March 2017

One Mr Bassey Archibong has explained that the characteristic disunity amongst Nigerians of Cross River origin is the reason for the eviction of Bassey Ekpenyong (Bassey) and Offiong Edet Anthony (Thin Tall Tony).

According to Archibong in a social media thread tagged, 'The eviction of Thin Tall Tony and Bassey Ekpenyong from Big Brother Naija: the dilemma of disunity displayed on an international stage!!!', the strength of Cross Riverians hinges on their unity. However, this unity has always been difficult to achieve.

'Crossriverians have always been largely marginalized and relegated, our strength has always been embedded in our unity, our unity has always been our talisman but most often the unity is difficult to find', he said.

The commentator blamed Bassey for orchestrating the early eviction of Thin Tall Tony (TTT) a fellow Cross Riverian particularly when it was reasonably accommodating to do so and in his power to do so as well. He cited Bassey's hypocrisy in resorting to a south-southerner, Efe to save his ass in not nominating him for eviction unlike what he did to TTT:

'When Bassey and Offiong Edet Anthony met in BBN, it was a game but played with consciousness, consciousness of brotherhood and the need to depend on each other until that option expires. Bassey nominated Tony for eviction at quite a very early stage of the game, then refused to save him as head of house the next time he had a chance. Same dude who acted like he was at a loss on the need to save a brother, solicited for support from Efe as a South South brother the very next week he was up for eviction'.

Archibong cautioned against this trend of disunity. He asked the case of Bassey and TTT to constitute a lesson to us:

'This cannot continue to happen, United we stand, may the story of this two very talented gentlemen guide our thoughts and decisions as we continue our sojourn in this very competitive country, may we shine the light as we hold the torch together'.

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Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of