Apy birthday Your Excellency: I wish you long life & productive years —State Health boss

Apy birthday Your Excellency: I wish you long life & productive years —State Health boss

Inyang Asibong|2 March 2017

I, Dr. (Mrs) Inyang Asibong, Cross River State Commissioner for Health, on behalf of my family and the entire staff of the Ministry of Health wish to felicitate with our dear Pragmatic , Amiable and Digital Governor, His Excellency, Senator (Prof) Benedict Ayade on the occasion of his 49th birthday.

We wish our beloved Governor long life, prosperity and many more productive years, as you strive to take your constituents to an Eldora.

Your Excellency's quest for equitable access to quality health care services will remain the guiding principle in our health care delivery to the people.

Happy birthday your Excellency.

Dr Inyang Asibong
Honourable Commissioner
Cross River State Ministry of Health