Full Text of H.E, Mr. Odey Ochicha's Democracy Day Goodwill Message

Full Text of H.E, Mr. Odey Ochicha's Democracy Day Goodwill Message

Inyali Peter|30 May 2016|7:05am



I want to congratulate Nigeria and Nigerians for celebrating 17 years of uninterrupted democracy. Most especially, I commend our past and present leaders who have, despite the ups and downs, the hitches and pains, remained steadfast to ensure that in this 17 years, the geographical construct called Nigeria remain one indivisible and united nation.

Although, the mismanagement of our commonwealth as a nation by the former ruling People's Democratic Party, (PDP) has hindered our progress as expected, sustaining democracy for this number of years is worth celebrating.

This year's celebration is unique for so many reasons. Firstly, it marks the first year in the history of this nation where a ruling party handed over power to the then opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) in a peaceful and civilized manner. I commend the key players in the transition exercise, that's President Muhammadu Buhari and the former President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. This two leaders are today recognized globally as fathers of democracy in Africa.

Secondly, it marks the full year of a new era of responsible, purposeful, and decisive leadership. It marks the one year of  radical confrontation of the single bane of development in this country, corruption; a government which has redeemed the battered integrity and reputation of our dear country. We now have a government which recognized stealing as a component of corruption against the usual norms by the PDP administration that stealing was not corruption.

I want to congratulate the doggedness of our dear President, Muhammadu Buhari for redeeming the image of Nigeria. I urge all Nigerians to know that a patriotic citizen do not support a government because he likes the face of the President, his ethnic representation or his religious beliefs but because it is his obligation and civil responsibility to do so. While we recognise the hardships in the land, which is regrettable, we need to support the efforts and policies of the APC administration to transform the political instability in the country to a near perfection stage. When we have political stability, rapid development and transformation will be inevitable. Surely Nigerians are beginning to feel the change.

When I reflect on the 2015 elections that produced the current administration at both the state and national level, I have every reason to celebrate. I was in the election not by chance but to provide what the state lacked in 16 years; credible, visionary and result oriented leadership. The sufferings of Cross Riverians, the call for change and the desire to have a feel of new leadership anchored on the people pulled me out to present myself as a servant. In their usual way, PDP manipulated the result to favour the incumbent governor, Sen. Ben Ayade but I still conceded defeat even when I had a lot of reasons and evidence to approach the tribunal for the sake of democracy.

However, my initial thought was that Ayade would repay my gesture by giving Cross Riverians responsible and responsive leadership but unfortunately, in the last one year, I have been hugely disappointed by the directionlessness of his Administration. One year later, Ayade is yet to design a clear policy plan for his administration. His government has been characterized by inconsistency of policies. The last one year has been a great loss for the state because it appears we have a governor without a government. It has been one year of unbridled lip service; what a pity!

I'm particularly worried that Ayade has destroyed Cross River state 16 years' legacy in one year. Prior to his administration, the state was known globally as the most peaceful and Calabar the cleanest city in Nigeria. But shamefully, today the state is not ranked among the first ten in terms of cleanliness and peace in the country. At times I wonder if this is the Cross River of Ayade's dream or he is operating under the influence of what is yet to be known. The green and clean city of Calabar has become a shadow of itself.

Our tourism potential is on daily basis threatened by the increase in crime rate in the state. Kidnapping, cultism, armed robbery and all manner of crimes have become the new identity of the state. The Igbos who reside in the state recently threatened to shutdown their business as a result of upsurge in kidnapping. This is not the Cross River state of my dream. This rudderless, reckless and inhumane attitude towards what constitute the primary functions of government (Protection of lives and Properties) must be confronted by all well meaning Cross Riverians. A government that cannot protect the lives of her citizens has no business being in power.

The incessant communal war in the state too is another aspect Ayade has failed monumentally. A government which has appointed countless people as community relations officers, created a separate ministry for community relations and has a peace conflict resolution unit,  should easily tackle the issue of war among communities in the state. Our people are dying and it seems the government is confused on how to address the issue. I urged him to swallow his pride and seek advise from past leaders on how to govern a state and stop the school boy politics.

Governance is not about having long convoy, blowing sirens and causing noise pollution everywhere, but about identifying the problems of the people and swiftly addressing them. The report that Ayade has self importantly declared his brother a co-governor to the point that he also drives with convoy and siren is illegal, childish and unacceptable. The state don't have resources for such luxuries and Ayade should draw a contain on this juvenile delinquencies demonstrated by him and his brother.

On his signature projects, I want to commend him for conceiving the idea of establishing a garment factory, supper highway, deep seaport amongst others. However, while the economic importance of these whole projects when accomplished is enormous, the governor must consider the feasibility of the projects considering the crunched economy of the state before even venturing into the projects. The projects should not be shrouded in fraud. For instance, the issue of the ownership of the garment factory which the government has allegedly spent 2.7 billion is still in doubt.  Sea port is under exclusive list which means only the federal government has the legitimate right to establish and control seaport. And for the supper highway, while I accept we need it, I want the governor to consider collaborating with the federal government to rehabilitate the existing one. The Ikom/Obudu/Ogoja highway is nothing to write home about. Although it has been approved by the federal government for rehabilitation, the state government should support the federal government to ensure it is fixed within the shortest possible time.

Having identified some of his obvious weaknesses in the past one year, I want to commend the governor for the prompt payment of workers salaries since he assumed office. I'll advice  him not to take it as he is doing workers any good as it has been or to score cheap political scores but to know it is the statutory responsibility of government to do so.


I recommend that Ayade gives priority to returning the state to it status as the cleanest and safest state in Nigeria to boost our tourism drive. He should clearly define the responsibilities of the Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Agency and Calabar Urban Development Authority to avoid duplication of functions as well as help Cross Riverians know which is responsible for the waste evacuation.

Also, for security, I recommend that Ayade should collaborate with security agencies in the state to end the high rate of crime. He should provide the necessary logistics ranging from patrol vans, funds for petrol and a little welfare package to boost the morale of the men. The government should create and sustain solid security network with the private citizens.

On communal war, Ayade should review the appointment of the community relations officers especially in the communities enmeshed in war. The peace and conflict resolution unit and the boarder commission should be strengthened. They should be cordial relationship between the traditional institutions and the government.

For signature projects, like I stated earlier,  it should not be shrouded in fraud and the government should embark on realistic projects that the state can fund. The state is already hugely indebted, therefore it will be wickedness on the side of the government to keep mortgaging the future of the younger generation by continually growing our debt profile and burden.

If we don't speak out now, the future of our children, grand children and great grand children may be jeopardised by the selfish interests of those in government.

Happy democracy day, my people.
God bless Nigeria.
God bless Cross River.