Speaker that block critics on Facebook is that one Honourable? —C'Riverians addresses Lebo

Speaker that block critics on Facebook is that one Honourable? —C'Riverians addresses Lebo
L-R: Joseph Odok, Agba Jalingo, John Gaul Lebo and Simon Utsu 
Efio-Ita Nyok|16 March 2017
Yesterday 15 March was the birthday of the Honourable Speaker of the 8th Cross River State House of Assembly (CRSHA), Barr. John Gaul Lebo.
Seeing it is an awesome day for majority the Right Honourable Member of Abi State Constituency was wished numerous happy birthdays.
However, considering the fact that it’s a day of sober reflection Lebo was charged by popular social commentators to rethink the attitude of blocking ‘friends’ who disagree with him on some issues of public importance.
Notable amongst these public affairs analysts are Inyali Peter a journalist, Simon Utsu an engineer, Joseph Odok an academic and Agba Jalingo an online publisher/radio talk show host. All of these, the present author and many more have been blocked on Facebook by Honourable Member. Their statements read in parts:
Abga Jalingo
Today is the birthday of the Speaker of the Cross River state House of Assembly, Hon. John Gaul Lebo…
He has blocked me on Facebook since last year because according to him…”Agba you are too troublesome. You are a non-conformist and I don’t want to be your Facebook friend again.”
I wish I knew exactly what he means by that.
But I will also advice Mr. Speaker to become a more serious Speaker and learn to carry people along.
He should stop or reduce the ‘scoping’.
Mr. Speaker, everyone I have met since last year,  small and big, old and young, continue to say that you are ‘scoping’ everyone and they are waiting to pay you back.
You even told me personally that you have to ‘scope your way out of trouble.’
But please your people are complaining. You are out of reach.
Think about it Mr. Speaker and enjoy your birthday sir.
Inyali Peter
I have just read in Agba Jalingo’s wall that today is Cross River State Speaker, Rt. Hon. John Gaul Lebo’s birthday.
Like Jalingo recounted, the Speaker blocked me too for criticising him and the governor last year. One thing he must learn is to be more accommodating. He should be a speaker for both those who agree and disagree with him.
My prayer for him today is that he should realise his enormous potentials as a person and his powers as the speaker. Cross River House of Assembly has not had it this bad…
Today should not be a day of celebration for Mr. Speaker but a day he should take a sober reflection on how he has failed his constituency and the entire state. John Gaul is a very good example of how a Speaker should not be…
Happy birthday Mr. Speaker.
Simon Utsu
… Let me also use this opportunity ‎to wish the speaker of the CRSHA, Honourable John Gaul Lebo a happy birthday-today being his birthday.
Everyone is complaining about his style of leadership. Whilst people like me feel he isn’t doing enough as a speaker, some others say he’s passively dictatorial and abhors criticism so much and that he’s fond of extent that he doesn’t waste time to block them on social media etc. I understand the last article I did on his stewardship a few months ago angered him, I’m surprised he hasn’t unfriended me on Facebook. I’m of the opinion that the speaker needs to turn a new leaf in this new year of his life and learn to embrace criticism as it’s one of the springboards to success in leadership. That being said, I once again wish him a happy birthday.
Joseph Odok
Happy Birthday Mr John Gaul Lebo,  the worst speaker of Cross River State House of Assembly. I pray you earn a name after two years of being a PA to Frank Ayade.
It’s obvious from this independent accounts above how Speaker Lebo is the least accommodating. I am personally still struggling with how democratic this dishonourable attitude is.
It seem to me that the motivation for this unwelcoming attitude is that the speaker is managing, albeit, poorly his public reputation. He may be expecting a situation where when one peruses through his social media account he/see should find only beautiful things. Mr Speaker should understand that he is not God but human. 
He makes mistakes.  If his mistakes have implications of public ramifications then the public will react.
To disagree with your critics by blocking them off your social media accounts is to show how unaccomodating, unwelcoming and mean a Speaker could be.
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven.org