NEWS: Unical Students No Longer Safe As Waste Takes Over Goldie Market.

NEWS: Unical Students No Longer Safe As Waste Takes Over Goldie Market.

Nelson A.Osuala [20th April 2016] 02:52AM

It is no gainsaying the fact that the Health conditions Cross riverians and other settlers with particular mention of Unical Students (Malabites and Malabresses) is dangerously at risk!

This is premised upon the fact that the one time ' People's Paradise' with the acronym of Come And Live And Be At Rest (CALABAR) has since lost its  savoury turning out as what we now know as the 'People's parable' of a faded glory.!

Today, as you drive or take a walk along the Mount Zion and Goldie market by Unical small gate , what greets you is usually an eyesore of a gigantic waste of dump hill.

One that would frighten and set to flight even the most courageous.

The unfortunate thing is that the Goldie market where such dump site is located seems to be the only location nearest to most students  who come to purchase  food items and other wares.

Permit me to also add that aside from the fact that people come here to buy food items,  this  heap of rubbish seems tohave elongated to an extent that it is now obstructing major movements of passers-by and have become an issue that requires what according to Unical slogan is a “reasonable action” by stakeholders in the Ben Ayade led Administration with particular mention of the commissioner for environment.

Something must need be done and that, right early so as to salvage the university of calabar  environment, so as to ensure the protection of the health of her students and also contain the outbreak of deadly epidemics.

We therefore call on the Commissioner of Environment in Cross river state, to wake up and act  before the evils of  Lassa fever, cholera and  zika virus breaks out, letting out its judgment to the good people of  Calabar as waste bins seems to be their natural habitat and breeding grounds.

Nelson A.Osuala is a Blogger & an Associate Editor in Negroidhaven.