AYADE's Steel Coffin Loading! —By Bassey Martin

AYADE's Steel Coffin Loading! —By Bassey Martin

Bassey Martin|23 April 2016|9:45pm

On Ayade's planned Bill to ban the use of Wood and impose the use of Steel and Iron for all Roofings in Cross River State…

What is the PLAN to compensate Artisan's on their upcoming potential loss of wood roofing jobs?

Will some of them be trained on the steel roofing to be introduced?

Government is supposed to give the rich and poor the same level playing field or take a little from the rich and give to the poor.

So, very soon, Artisan's will have less jobs and less money to carter for their families and Coffins will soon be constructed with Steel?

God Bless Our Digital Governor jor!

Bassey Martin
Writes from Calabar