Social Media and Democracy —By Princewill Odidi

Princewill Odidi|29 March 2016|11:42am

In 2010 or thereabouts when Jonathan appointed Jega to head INEC, I had warned then, that you do not hire an activist to do your dirty bid, he will definitely fail you. Most activist remain the conscience of the people whether in or out of power.

I told those who had ears then to hear, that Jonathan had signed his single term warrant, some argued but today I have been proven right.

Again sometime in 2010, when Sahara Reporters took on Jonathan on negative publicity and started making a caricature of him, calling him coconut brain, I warned again, at the end of the day the bulk of impressions the world had on Jonathan and corruption remained with him, Deziani was seen as the Evil of Endor all thanks to Sahara Reporters and the power of investigative journalism.

Again, that BUHARI was perceived Nigeria's hope and redemption was all the power of media.

Social media has made every one a reporter, a columnist and has given power of distributorship to anyone and anywhere.

The biggest threat to the eventual redemption of the African people is the attempts by the government and her officials to buy over media advocates, either by bribes, gifts and sometimes shut the mouth of media groups by offering them appointments.

Nothing destroys an opinionated social media agent like taking government appointment, or accepting money and gifts from those you should serve as watch dog over society, because it destroys your independent opinion the masses had loved you for and reduces you to an agent or epitome of oppression, playing after your masters dictates.

Don't get me wrong, as a media activist or social media agent, you can still work for the state, but maintain your objectivity and hold to your unbiased opinions. You should be able to point out the flaws in policy and above all, stand your ground on things you believe.

If Trump becomes President today, it's all the power of media, the media has taken its role as the conscience of the people in advanced democracies.

El Rufai is seen as the most progressive and vibrant governor, thanks to his Dubai based media team, the media builds great leaders and also destroys them.

The greatest thing that has happened to the internal dynamics shaping African democracy and curbing corruption and misrule is the media. Some governors that we all hoped nine months ago would outperform others, have been shown to talk more and act less, thanks to social media.

The media can make a grandiose project very popular and can similarly make the same project very unpopular.

The power of social media is not limited by time and space. This explains why a writer can gain popularity and acceptance even when he is not resident in his home state.

Gone are the days when governments act in impunity, today a state with a strong social media presence wrestles power from the state back to the people.

While leaders can attempt to buy opinions and image remediation from national dailies, it has proven less effective compared to the power of social media. Opinion leaders in social media are the unavoidable enemies most people cannot do without.

Some people would read every write up from critics, but are too scared to like or comment because of their fear not to be tagged supporter of critics. I call them prisoners of conscience. Better be poor and free than rich and trapped in your own bedroom.

Social media is the power of the new age, it exposes rigging in elections, it circulates documents to either endorse or disprove the lies of government on any issue, it uproots presidents and unseats governors and has the power to usher in a New Democratic dispensation in Africa.

Tyrannical leaders  may suppress the people for a while, but in no distant time, the social media would pull them down with an unmatched force of intellectual superiority and the power of opinion.

The new democracy, new activism, new entertainment, new relationships, new religion and new social village, with its own social village heads, group forums and followers has been made a living thing today with powers to change or influence policies, powers to turn the minds of the masses against the oppressor, the new social media age, Africans must be enlightened, now or never. Thanks to social media.

Princewill Odidi
Is a Social Commentator writing from Atlanta