TV AZTECA TABASCO: Ayade's Health and Mental Capability is in Question -Ifere Paul

TV AZTECA TABASCO: Ayade's Health and Mental Capability is in Question -Ifere Paul

Efio-Ita Nyok|17 March 2016|5:58am

In a Facebook post of 16 March, Cross River leading public affairs analyst, Ifere Paul, has expressed his reservations against the trending video of Tv Azteca Tabasco portraying the Executive Governor of Cross River State, Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade, being in Mexico for official purposes. From Paul's analysis, it's becoming reasonable to hold the opinion that Gov. Ben Ayade's visit to a South American country, Mexico, was primarily for health reasons and secondarily for sourcing for investors.

*Governor Ben Ayade Deceptive Acts: A Video of Deception.
By Ifere Paul

The Tv Azteca Tabasco video making rounds in the social media is a great concern to me. Looking at the video carefully, one is confronted with certain abnormalities that does not add up. Tv Azteca Tabasco is not a television station. It is an online news portal that shares it videos online. In Mexico, when a foreign important business man or a government official like Governor visits the country, the official television station that welcomes the delegation is the Tv Mundo. Why is Ayade visit covered by Tv Azteca Tabasco?

Even our Cross River Watch crew can do a better job than this Tv Azteca Tabasco.

It is important to say here that “I am one of the first critic” to demand that Governor Ben Ayade show Cross Riverians videos of his escapades whenever he goes abroad for his MoU signing. This video is actually a fact that Ayade takes critics seriously unlike what Cross Riverians are made to believe from his media rats. Enough said. Let's get back to the video.

In this video, one thing is very conspicuous. Governor Ben Ayade's health and mental capability is in question. With a swollen face, and unsteady feet, Governor Ben Ayade looks gloomy and could be seen staggering a little. This makes me to suspect that Governor Ben Ayade may have been discharge from a wellness centre for those seeking complete rest from depression, hypertension, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions, including drug use addiction rehap. Such wellness centres are scattered all over Mexico. Considering that Governor Ben Ayade went on a wellness-cum-business trip, I am not excluding a visit to a Mexico wellness center in the cart list.

I have reported here that Governor Ben Ayade had a serious high blood pressure that his personal doctors asked him to go and take a long rest. This video with Ben Ayade face swollen so serious only verify my earlier report. He looked like someone undergoing rehap for drug use. The video also caught him scratching his eyes.

From the video, one is rather confused of the intent of Ayade's travel to Mexico. While a lot of report has been made of his signing of the usual MoU of Banana City, one would actually have expected to see more of the Carlos Pinichi Banana Plantation, his banana harvest equipments, banana storage facilities, banana processing plants ,and or packaging plant, and shipment trucks before the bananas are taken abroad from Mexico. But instead, we are shown a forest without bananas. Where bananas are actually shown, we saw a small grandma kind of banana garden still in nursery.

Was it banana you saw on the cart? I saw plantain. Perhaps Governor Ben Ayade does not know the difference between bananas and plaintains like most white people. The video showed a picture of plaintain rather than a plaintain plantation. I don't why we were shown yellow, red, and green Mexican chillies in pictures instead of a video. Pineapple was not left out either. Is our governor gonna sign an MoU in pineapple too?

All said, the most important thing in this video is that, it was shot at an airport. And Governor Ben Ayade was welcome by what looks like airport restaurants waitresses who presented a bouquet of flowers. What a shame!!

I am not a pessimist. I am an optimist who wants the “super space vision” of the Professor and Senator Governor Ben Ayade to come to light. But driving such vision should not be fraudulent as was seen in this video'.

I had heard a rumour, which I refused then to take seriously, that Ayade abuses drugs, could it be true, according to the video, that Ayade went to Mexico for rehab treatment?

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven