Happy Palm Sunday! —Prince Thomas Abi Jr

Happy Palm Sunday! —Prince Thomas Abi Jr

Prince Thomas Abi Jr|20 March 2016|5:15pm

As Christians all over the globe celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, days before he was crucified. I urge Christians to reflect on the lessons of the Lenten season.

Palm Sunday is a period where all Christians must go back to God. It is a moment of sober reflection. It is a period of deep thinking. It is a time where Jesus Christ himself rode on a donkey into Jerusalem. It is a time to make peace.

It brings about the Holy week. And Christians must key into this period by showing love to one another and preaching peace and giving out peace to one another.

As we enter into the Holy week, Christians must unite and show love to fellow man. It is in doing good and making it right with Christ that we can live a happy and fulfilled life. It is in living in harmony with our brothers and sisters that we know peace. Hatred, rancor, bitterness and lack of affection for one's neighbor is going against the ways of Christ.

The passover of Christ should be the very focus of our lives. His lessons on the Cross should remind us that one day we shall leave this sinful world. And so, hating and trying to destroy one another as a result of material possession will only lead us to our doom. A life of sorrow and regret.

May the Palm Sunday usher us in a new communion with God. Identifying and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord. Reconnecting with him and following his teaching.

Happy Palm Sunday!

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Social Commentator