By Admin.
Mon08022016. Time 03:32pm
I wish to draw the attention of His Excellency to the fact that
without irrefutable evidence, the challenges that confronts our dear country Nigeria today, is no child's play as it has lingered on for over two decades now.
Many Political commandoes and Team players have attempted to address ones and for all the socio economic cum political quagmire in which our Nation is held under but have failed!
Other political stakeholders armed with their brilliant ideas and technocratic disposition have fought so hard to elevate this country Nigeria from the shackles of economic recession if not depression but all to no avail.
Some people have even argued that a complex Nigeria requires a well enlighten young leader to steer the course of her Destiny rather that the Old elderly ones.
Ask them why they have so thought.. They would quote the Biblical holy writ which is paraphrased as saying that:
“The Age of Methuselah cannot be compared with the wisdom of young Solomon”
In respect to the above, one can only wonder where such is actually written in the Bible. To my mind, nonetheless, I can only suggest that such statements as above should pass for an adage rather than a Biblical reference .
As if this would solve the problem.. When the opportunity avails itself for such individuals to lead, these supposedly enlightened young adults of a ” wise Solomon”, after assuming power would consciously decide to abuse the power vested on him while in the corridors of power.. which no doubt goes down memory lane as another case of a failure in leadership!
Today, we are no longer talking about the case of the young or elderly leading this Nation.
Our interest is in a search for a true statesman. A leader with a
” saintly attitude; a servant heart and a sincere purpose” to borrow from Leroy Eims book ' The Leader you where Born to be'
We need a leader who knows his onions. One who knows when to listen and follow the forthright mentorship strategy of a ” Moses” than listen to the cry and murmurs of the enormous “Israelites” who are ignorant of the responsibilities and challenges that confronts a leader especially in a complex Nation as Nigeria of Today.
The late prof. Chinua Achebe once wrote a book ” There was a country” which was followed by another, titled ” The problem with Nigeria” .
In the latter, he wrote regrettably on how such issues as ill-preparedness, tribalism, nepotism, favouritism,sentiments and others have adversely affected the development of the Nigerian nation.
Without much ado, it is my goal in this article to briefly state without any contradiction that we do not need another story teller of a leader or politician whether young or old.
We need a true statesman. One who has succeeded in managing and mastering his self interest.
One who has conquered his covetous nature.
One who is not beclouded by religious sentiments and other forms of indoctrination.
One who has been tempted, tested, tried and have triumphed.
One who in the words of the late Biafran warlord, Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu , have passed the litmus test of appearing before the court of EQUITY with CLEAN hands of integrity that have never been soiled and will never be soiled with corruption in all its dimensions.
Whether such an individual exists or no , I cannot tell.
However, I can only ask: who can boldly fit in to these shoes?
Who amongst our leaders both past and present can confidently beat his or her chest as qualified based on the afore listed criteria?
Is it Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, Abdulsalami Abubakar, Chief olusegun obasanjo, Goodluck Jonathan or the you, (Muhammadu Buhari ), your Excellency Sir.
Hmm! I leave you to answer for yourself? But I personally doubt if the answer is not actually far fetched.
We can continue on and on inexhaustibly but as a way of subscription, so as to attend to other pending issues , I wish to conclude with the same question that is reflected in the title for this article :
Your Excellency Sir, (President Mohammad Buhari) are you actually that Saviour of a Nigerian President that was to come or should we expect another?