YAKURR POLITICS: Yakurr Local Government & its People on my Mind Today -By Peter Offem Ubi

YAKURR POLITICS: Yakurr Local Government & its People on my Mind Today -By Peter Offem Ubi

Peter Ubi|27 January 2016|6:22pm

While reflecting on promises made of this current administration in Yakurr local government before its entrance into political office, I am disappointed no new ideas have being driven to propel communities into economic sustainability by the leadership.

The establishment of a local economy that can be economically viable, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible seem missing today. With all that I have witnessed within the last one year traveling through various communities, achieving economic sustainability isn't difficult with the right leadership. I question the present leadership on its ability to engage the larger community to seek solutions.

Those charged with governance responsibilities have failed; there hasn't been any major improvement in my observation of the economic activities driven by policy makers…lack thereof in participation from the leadership with all sectors of the community is a problem -both in determining community needs and to identify and implement innovative and appropriate solutions that can be sought out from the people in order to improve economic sustainability.

Our people must think ouside the box… they must understand the PDP government at the local government under the current administration is a three (3) years disappointment. It is time for a new alternative, an alternative ready to engage all sections of the community without been sectional, an alternative that will present a true picture and information from a variety of sources on approaches and techniques to successfully pilot our communities into economy sustainable basis.

In the last 3years, let us ask ourselves the following questions truths: What major community town hall meeting was held in trust? Are those in the small business community carried along? Is there any new major small scale industry established in partnership with the business community to improve on the unemployment situation in Yakurr? I want to believe we can do better and ought to do better, only this current administration cannot deliver.

Peter Offem Ubi
Is a Public Affairs Analyst & Social Commentator