Thomas Abi Jr|8 December 2015|6:17am
No man was born to be poor in this world. All men were born to be great. All men must work to fight against poverty because poverty is an enemy of man. It stinks, it kills, it humiliates and it is destructive.
God has given every man the power to make wealth and so, you must dream big, you must set your goal and vision in life. It is only by setting your vision that you dream. And it is only when you dream that you can accomplish your goals in life.
The world is moving today because many persons dreamt big. Today in America, the blacks can now interact with the whites. And a black is even the president of America because Martin Luther King Jr., dreamt. “I have a dream”.
You must dream, you must thrive to be great. You must change that ideology that you can not make it. It is only those that dream that make and create wealth. The world would have been doomed if we hadn't dreamers and positive thinkers. It doesn't matter your background, you have the power to make wealth. You have the capacity to change things around. I do not believe you need so much before you can make a difference. It is all about connecting with your inner voice. You can create wealth if you stop procrastinating and begin to see the broader picture of life. Those who achieve great excellence in life never had it easy. They made it real big because they had to dream big.
Dear friend, you must change your mind set today, anything your mind can not achieve, your hand can not grab or produce. You must be a positive thinker. Just like Pastor Joseph Prince, said, there is power in positive thinking. You must connect to the supernatural supply. Your imagination shouldn't shut you out from your divine supply. You must stop having a small picture of your self. Your imagination must be big and tall. Those who are CEOs are not better than you. The world is waiting to celebrate you. You were not born to be poor. For your creator is not a poor God. You must think and act, you must reason and create wealth. They are millions of lives you can change with your time, energy, wealth and success story. You must move and grab it today.
As the year 2015 winds down, it is never too late to execute that contract or get seal that business deal. My friend, Barack Obama is President of the world's strongest nation today because he refused to be subdued by the fact he is from a black race. You must not think less of yourself.
Begin to picture yourself as an emerging leader today. Set the standards, teach the standards, live the standards and act the standard. You were not born to be a curse or a problem to your generation. You were created for a purpose. Your existence on earth is for a reason and so you must add value.
My friend, you may look at your situation and say to yourself, how do I achieve it? You must not pity yourself. Self pity is the killer of dreams. Never you pity yourself and procrastinate or try to compare yourself with another. No! Listen to that small voice saying you can make it. Rise up to the society's calling and make it real big.
In achieving your goal in life, you have to connect with people of like minds. Men and women with content and character who can lead you to your dream and aspiration in life. Do not move with low minds. Get connected with people who can lead you to your destiny. If you do not know today, poverty is a curse. The day you begin to see it as a curse you will be free from the chains of poverty.
Think big, dream big, be a person of vision and bold ideas. No idea is too big for you to achieve. It is your mind set that controls your human being. It is your imagination that controls your supplies. It is your thinking that channels and controls your future.
Be a person of vision today. Tell your self poverty is not for you. For you were not born to be stagnant but to add value to your generation.
Poverty is not for you my friend!
Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst/Social Commentator