AN OPEN LETTER TO CROSS RIVER STATE FEDERAL LEGISLATORS: On the State of Calabar-Ikom-Ogoja Highway -By Prince Thomas Abi Jr

AN OPEN LETTER TO CROSS RIVER STATE FEDERAL LEGISLATORS: On the State of Calabar-Ikom-Ogoja Highway -By Prince Thomas Abi Jr

Thomas Abi Jr|11 November 2015|5:30am

 Dear CRS federal legislators, 

It is with heavy heart that I write this, I would love if my honorable legislators take out time to reflect on the message of my piece. 

My legislators, I write to draw your attention on the deplorable condition of the Calabar, Ikom, Ogoja road. It is no news that the over 40 years road is now a death trap for our people who ply the road. Sometime in September, over 45 of our country men and women died on that road due to the bad nature of the road. 

My leaders, I want you all to put yourself on that shoe. Each time you ply on that road, I have no doubt in my heart that you feel sorry for your health and your vehicles. Even though you drive on SUVs but you still experience the pain of passing through a very bad road and also the constant body pains that is ocassion by using that road.

My leaders, I am very sure and certain, you all are aware of the constant accidents on our highway and the most recent of a bus that claimed so many persons on a collision with a truck. Our people, in the State look up to you all as our representatives. We do not have an airport to the northern and central part of the State and even if we had, most of our people are not buoyant enough to fly. 

Sirs/Madam, please picture yourself in a collision with a truck. Hmmmm, it's painful I guess. Well a very beautiful nurse I used to know died on that road. And a friend's brother ran under a truck. That is a cruel death. Imagine if your brother died in that truck accident. Please, my leaders, you all have to rise to the call of your people. Our people are not asking for so much, all our people are saying is, please influence federal presence on our road. We need our road constructed. 

The last time I traveled to Ogoja, I had to pass through Abakaliki due to the impassable nature of our road. It is a shame that we have to pass through another State to get to another end of our State. It is not only a shame, but it should serve as a lack of performance on our leaders. These is not to say I am pointing accusing fingers at anybody but all I am saying is please we need our road constructed.

We recalled that President Buhari had tongue lashed our past leaders over that road. It is now time for our leaders to fight for our road. The time is now for President Buhari to prove that he is truly for everybody. My legislators, please speak out. Our people do not want to see how many bills you influenced while in the Senate or House of Representatives, what our people want is a good road. Federal establishments, polytechnics, Federal Medical Centers, and many more. 

Our people want to see the true dividends of democracy through you all. I believe we got it right this time around with the caliber of persons who were sent to represent us. We sent the best brains, vibrant and articulate people. It would be disheartening and heart breaking if we remain backward without our road constructed.

My leaders, you all must also take into cognizance that no matter the number of bills sponsored, what our people want to see is the physical development. Our people want to see change, our people desire speedy development. We desire Calabar-Ikom-Ogoja Federal Highway constructed. We want our towns opened through that road. If you not for anything, we all pass through that road and feel the pain of our people. We desire to see quality representation in the next few months. We do not expect to see so much grammar without action. Over the years, we have had men and women who sponsored many bills, but they haven't affected the lives of our people. What we want now is a motorable road for our people. A road that would shorten the distance from Calabar to the northern part of the State. 

Martin Luther King Jr., said “Human progress is neither automatic or inevitable.  Every step toward goal or justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Without persistent effort,  time itself becomes and ally the insurgent and  primitive forces of irrational emotional and social destruction. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is time for vigorous and positive actions”.

My leaders, please, this is time for vigorous and positive actions. We must sacrifice for our people, we must show effort and commitment. We must work toward liberating our people from stagnation and mental slavery. 

God bless you all as you work towards the emancipation of your constituents and Cross River State at large.

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst/Social Commentator