AYADE'S SUPERHIGHWAY: There can't be any 4G Lite Internet Services Available to anybody or anywhere in C' River. -By Emmanuel Undie

AYADE'S SUPERHIGHWAY: There can't be any 4G Lite Internet Services Available to anybody or anywhere in C' River. -By Emmanuel Undie

Emmanuel Undie|15 November 2015|5:18am

The Cross River State Government wants to incorporate 4G Lite Internet Connectivity in the so-
called super highway spanning the length of Cross River State from Calabar through Cross River North.

It is absolutely not possible to do that. No miracle in this world can make that happen for now, even if
the road project succeeds, which I still have doubts about. There can not be any 4G Lite Internet Services available to anybody on any part of whole of that road or anywhere in Cross River State.

Technically, it is not achievable.
I am open to any challenge by any Professor of Computer Science, Electrical Electronic Engineering,
Information Technologist, or History to come challenge me to this anywhere in the world. Give me only the time it takes to take my flight there and I will.

But the surprising thing is that the state is ruled by two professors who are supposed to know this simple, basic arithmetic involved; they are
supposed to have a fleet of technical advisers who are supposed to know better; and out in the society, I have been expecting engineers from UNICAL, CRUTECH and/or well-wishers on the streets of Cross River State to have said something on this by now. Well, I assume we are not aware. Now, we are told. If you have any technical information
otherwise, bring it on!!!

Long Live Cross Cross River State
Long Live Nigeria.

Emmanuel Undie
Is a Public Affairs Analyst & Social Commentator