Please Act Fast Governor Ayade! -By Prince Thomas Abi Jr.

Please Act Fast Governor Ayade! -By Prince Thomas Abi Jr.

Thomas Abi Jr|25 November 2015|5:09pm

Your Excellency, I write to congratulate you for carefully picking your Commissioners and also to welcome you back to the country after many weeks of touring the Asian continent in search of investors that would invest in your signature projects.

Sir, I was one of those who keyed into your ideology of politics with Ethics and subsequently your philosophy of Ayadeism. But as I write today, I write to inform you that your people are not happy. The people of the State are very bitter Sir. Your people are very unhappy that you haven't inaugurated your Commissioners. Sir, I stand to tell you the truth because I believe in you and I want the State to move forward. But we are very sad that for sometime now everything has been on a standstill. Poverty is written all over the faces of your people. Your people are complaining bitterly of the slow pace of things. There is nothing going on in the State. The MDAs are not functioning as it should, our people are complaining that they are not carried along, elder statesmen are lamenting, politicians, former councillors, pensioners, Chairmen of Councils, party men and even your aides are lamenting that the government is not moving and that there is no money to perform their duties. 

Sir, I do not really blame them, they are lamenting because you haven't inaugurated your Commissioners. Sir, please inaugurate your Commissioners as quick as possible. 

The people of Cross River State ardently placed their hopes in you and fervently prayed for you to win the polls, please do not disapoint them. 

Sir, let me say right away that the goodwill garnered during your campaigns and jubilation that heralded your victory are gradually fading away and you need to act as fast as possible. Please, convince the people that you are ready to hit the ground running. Let me remind you that your people do not want to listen to complains but what they want is action. Sir, for the people of the State it is immaterial that you met an empty treasury , what they want to see is development. They want to see speedy and accelerated infrastructure growth as well as human capital development. They want to see you making a miracle and removing the State from poverty and hardship. Sir, you can not afford to waste any time in performing because from the creeks of Calabar South down to the hills of Obanlikwu, your people hope in you that you will perform. And I Thomas Abi Jr., also believes and have no doubt in my heart that you will perform. Please do not let us down. 

The Carnival Calabar is gradually setting in and the streets of Calabar are covered with potholes. It will be a shame if our friends and associates come into town and see that our State is covered by potholes. honestly, no one will like to come to a State that is dirty and filthy. Please do something. I do understand that the State is experiencing economic crunch but you just have to act fast my governor. You are the face of the State, you are the hope of our people. Please do not let us down my leader and governor. We trust and believe in you.

My governor, they are so many aggrieved persons in the State. So many of our people who contested in the last elections are very bitter and unhappy. I urge you to apply balm on frayed nerves. The sooner you bring all aggrieved members together, the faster the healing process. Sir, you need to understand that you can not work alone. You need to heal the wounds in the minds of our party men. Please unite them. I also urge you to bring in men who can look at you in the face and argue with you. It would be more easier if your Special Advisers can challenge you my governor. Many leaders have failed to perform because they were surrounded by men and women who are praise singers. Who are only there for their stomach. Please do not fall a victim of such people my leader.  

I trust that God has brought you at this critical time for the emancipation of mankind.

God bless!

Prince Thomas Abi Jr. 
Is a Public Affairs Analyst/Social Commentator