LIFESTYLE: 14 things All Girls Should Always Carry In Their Hand Bag

By William Oyo-Ita 27th October 2015,

LIFESTYLE: 14 things All Girls Should Always Carry In Their Hand Bag

1 | Carmex Okay, so most lip balms will do but carmex works wonders for me; when my lips are dry or chapped, or I just want an extra level of shine on my lips. Hay fever suffers when you’re out and about this is also awesome for rubbing a small amount around you nostrils (LOL), it adds moisture and the mint helps relieves itching, (That being said, don’t forget antihistamine either!) 
2 | Perfume My current favorites are:  Versace Yellow Diamond | Versace Narciso | Narciso Rodriguez Daisy Black | Marc Jacobs The One | Dolce and Gabbana 3 | Moleskine Notebook A shopping list, a thought of the day, a diary, your gym/health progress or a calendar. You can’t go wrong. I’m using an A6Moleskine at the moment in Orchid, right now I’m using it for writing down blogging ideas and travel plans.
 4 | And with that, pens. Any old pen will do but if you fancy a fancy one, Paperchase have a good selection. 
5 | Water bottle ESSENTIAL ESSENTIAL ESSENTIAL. For a busy day on the go, yteacan’t go wrong with a water bottle! Sometimes I fill mine up with cooled green or peppermint tea.
 6 | Emergency tampons. Yep. Well, we have all had that day when aunt flow unexpectedly arrives, or we have a friend in need. I actually use aFemme Cup but there will be a post with why I use it in the near future.
 7 | Purse And along with that goes ID and debit cards etc, the boring stuff, so let’s just brush over that… Im using my little Kurt Gieger Purse, I bought this from eBay for under £5. 
8 | Headphones For that long train journey when you’re trying to drain out the noise of that screechy woman next to you or you’re avoiding talking to that chatty guy, when you’re really just in your own little fluffy bubble. … Or when you just want to listen to ‘Taylor Swift | Bad Blood’ because you feel like a superwoman, badass every time you hear it. Yeah, me too. 
9 | Keys We’ve all been locked out before, it’s not fun waking up your flat mates at 2 AM or getting home early for once and having to just stand outside the door till someone else gets home. 10 | Chewing Gum For that oh so freshbreathe, whenever you might need it 
😉 11 | Sun Glasses You know you can always go from cool to super chic just by wearing your favourite sunnies. Mine right now, are my black aviators. Is it weird that I kind of always wanted to wear reading glasses? I feel like they’re just on another level of a sassy businesswomen look12
12 | Tissues No toilet roll, no problem. Hay fever, no problem. Smudged your make up, no problem. I gotchu girl!
 13 | Essential make up Because every girl understands, (don’t forget a small portable mirror). My Make up essentials include my black portable mirror (on the bottom left of the picture), Naked 2 palette and my make up bag with my everyday make up bits). 
14 | Hair ties I’m also carrying my ‘Italian | The basics’ book I picked up from my local library for my upcoming trip to Venice! Shine on, Shannon xo