UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

UNICAL PROTEST: Exclusive Pictures from 12 October 2015 Peaceful Protest by Malabites & Malabresses

Efio-Ita Nyok|29 October 2015|10:30am

On Monday 12 October 2015, the Ekpo Tete led Students' Union Government of the University of Calabar Students Union, Calabar inspired and moderated a peaceful demonstration.

It was one of its kind that the Union in any administration of the history of students activism in UNICAL has embarked on, seeing that it was peaceful and devoid of any form of destruction, rancour or carnage.

Feelers also suggest that though the incident did not go down well with the school authority, it was however given a nod by a cross section of the lecturing staff since the students seemed to be agitating for issues that they had wished should be addressed but were not even broached.

It may interest the reader to know that the issues that prompted the reaction by students are such as:

'was poor living standard in Malabor that led to the protest: Poor  power supply, water, bad toilet system, no sleeping foam and fee hike. Rejection of acceptance fee of M15,000 and bad roads inside the campus triggered the protest'.
According to an anonymous source who is a student.

The protest led to the suspension of lectures for 2 weeks beginning from 12-19 October 2015.

Whether the issues that inspired the protest will be addressed is left for the future. Below are exclusive pictures from scenes of the protest. Happy perusal.