ACCIDENT NEWS : Okada Man Dies On Spot Along Mile 2, Express Way In Lagos.

ACCIDENT NEWS : Okada Man Dies On Spot Along Mile 2, Express Way In Lagos.

By Nelson Amaobi Osuala
26th of April 2015,  03:38pm

Death has been announced of an unknown Okada rider who was knocked down by an oncoming vehicle along Mile 2 Oshodi Express Way .

NEGROIDHAVEN was at the scene of the accident yesterday, the 25th of April, 2015. When the unfortunate incidence took place.

From eye witness account , it was reported that the diseased Died due to the fact that he was driving against traffic, a term popularly known as ” One – Way” drive.  He being unaware of an oncoming vehicle, lost control as they both ran into each other. All efforts by concerned passers-by to save the young man’s life proofed abortive. 

As at the time NEGROIDHAVEN arrived at the scene, the culprit was no where to be found as there was no News of his whereabouts since we could not ascertain if He absconded.

Sympathizers gathered around the lifeless body of the Okada rider, feeling nonplussed about what next to do and supposing to contact the nearest police station .

They also tried to search for any means of identification with which to contact the loved ones of the diseased.

But come to think of it, Is it the case that people don’t care for their lives that they seem to risk it with devil may care attitude like driving against stipulated road safety rules?  Such question remains our worry!

we should therefore employ all agency on road usage to put
in punitive measures so as to discourage all careless driving and sensitize drivers on the fact that life is precious and thus should be guarded with jealousy.