NEWS: Obasanjo Declares His Support For Buhari

NEWS: Obasanjo Declares His Support For Buhari
By Dickson Blessing
   The former president of Nigeria Chief Olusegun Obasanjo has publicly declared his support for the APC presidential candidate Gen Muhammed Buhari.
    The past president who had served Nigeria under the peoples democratic party PDP had condemned the postponement of the election.
    He publicly declares in support that “The circumstances [Buhari] will be working under if he wins the election are different from the one he worked under before, where he was both the executive and the legislature — he knows that,” he said.
   “He’s smart enough. He’s educated enough. He’s experienced enough. Why shouldn’t I support him?”
   Chief Olusegun from all indication had decided to remain calm after this public endorsement of Buhari and also promises to speak out more after the election.