GALLERY: CCBOE approves Wilson as PHS assistant principal

GALLERY: CCBOE approves Wilson as PHS assistant principal

Published 11:00 am Friday, May 10, 2024

The Covington County Board of Education approved 18 personnel matters including the naming of an assistant principal at Pleasant Home School during a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 7.

Tony Wilson, who has been the counselor at PHS, will move into the assistant principal role beginning in the next school year. He will replace Marc Tracy, who left earlier this spring to take the principal’s position at Sweet Water High School.

The board approved the following personnel matters:


  • John Allen Evers as intervention supervisor at the central office effective June 30, 2024


  • Christy Weaver as custodian at Pleasant Home School retroactive to April 30
  • Kellie Ann Powell as elementary teacher at PHS effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year
  • Jamie F. Kelley was pre-K teacher at W.S. Harlan Elementary School effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year
  • William Cody Sellers as social science teacher at PHS effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year
  • Daniel J. Brasher as social science teacher at Florala High School effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year


  • Katie Smith as custodian at PHS with start date to be determined, pending verification of new or existing background reviews.
  • Elisa D. Mount as counselor at Red Level School effective July 22, 2024, pending verification of new or existing background reviews
  • Shannon Aplin as counselor at PHS effective July 22, 2024, pending verification of new or existing background reviews
  • Allie Garner Hawkins as elementary teacher at PHS effective at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, pending verification of new or existing background reviews
  • Angela Rene Sanders as 6-12 collaborative teacher at PHS effective at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, pending verification of new or existing background reviews
  • Julie Hatcher as K-6 collaborative teacher at PHS effective at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, pending verification of new or existing background reviews


  • Amy Michelle Norris from special education teacher at PHS to pre-K teacher at W.S. Harlan Elementary School effective at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year
  • Megan Pinckard from special education teacher at PHS to special education teacher at Straughn Elementary School effective at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year
  • Jennifer Silcox from special education teacher at SES to special education teacher at PHS effective at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year

In other personnel actions, the board:

  • Amended a one-year leave of absence for Malissa S. Hester, occupational therapist for Covington County Schools. Hester’s leave will begin July 1, 2024, and end June 30, 2025. The board had to amend the previous request due to a contract issue.
  • Granted a return to service for Endsley G. Bolen as special education teacher at Red Level School effective at the beginning of the new school year.

The board also recognized the following for outstanding achievements:

  • Florala High School: varsity boys’ basketball and head coach Troy Turman – Class 1A South Sub-Regional Winner and South Regional Sweet 16
  • Pleasant Home School: varsity volleyball and head coach Tony Wilson – second round South Super Regional
  • Straughn Middle School: Dhilan Patel – CCS Spelling Bee champion and Alabama Spelling Bee participant (principal Cassandra Anderson)
  • Straughn High School: varsity football team and head coach Ashley Kilcrease – second round playoff appearance in the 2023 3A AHSAA state playoffs (Kilcrease was unable to attend the meeting; offensive coordinator Andrew Lowery accepted the recognition on his behalf.)
  • Straughn High School: varsity girls’ basketball and head coach Calen Lowery – Elite 8 in the 3A state playoffs

In other business:

  • The board heard a report from Miranda Bonner, audit manager from the Alabama State Department of Examiners. Bonner said the system had conducted its most recent audit successfully with no findings, and “everything was conducted as it should be.”
  • The board heard a distribution of financial reports that have been reconciled to most current bank statements. Chief School Finance Officer Ressie Gray.
  • The board announced additional recognition for spring sports would be conducted at a future meeting.
  • The board recognized the four county high school’s valedictorians and salutatorians with a dinner held on Monday, May 6, at the central office.

The board set the next meeting date for Tuesday, May 21, noon, at the central office.
