This might be the first triple perfect I’ve ever seen in Street Fighter 6

This might be the first triple perfect I've ever seen in Street Fighter 6

By this point, many of us have likely seen (or been the victim of) a double perfect in Street Fighter 6. Look, sometimes things just don’t go your way and you just can’t get a hit in. It happens.

With all of the Street Fighter 6 matches I’ve played and watched, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a triple perfect, though. This isn’t one player winning three rounds in an extended match or extra battle or something, oh no. What we have here is two top notch, top ranked players throwing down in a standard online match where the entirety of the match was literally perfect rounds.

The clip features Jiewa’s Ken going up against Hikaru_Shiftne’s A.K.I. Jiewa has been a traditionally strong Ken player in past Street Fighter titles while Hikaru is consistently one of the topped ranked A.K.I. players in the world.

These two powerhouses clashed in a recent set, and from start to finish, the match we see in this tweet from wangweili424 is fireworks.

As mentioned previously, this match essentially boils down to nothing but perfects all around. Hikaru starts things off with some poison set up in neutral before Drive Rushing in for a medium punch that opens Jiewa up and gets the party started.

The rest of the round is a master class in A.K.I. set play with the perfect set ups and combos to, well… get the perfect. But Jiewa fires right back in the next round.

Jiewa opens up the second round with a big jump in that leads to a forward throw and gets Ken’s offensive ball rolling. Following a beautiful confirm after a counter hit low Jinrai Kick, Jiewa mixes in overheads, Drive Rush pressure, and shimmies to secure the second perfect.

We won’t spoil who takes this match, so be sure to check out the full clip below to witness the Street Fighter 6 triple perfect yourself.
