LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If?

Listen to Archived show below Intro Article

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon

Your Host: Luca Majno

Welcome back, everyone, to LEARN 2 UNLEARN!

Our producer Steve starts me up today, by saying his phrase outright: “Tired, weary & broke.”, which just about nails it for most of us, and this is how we start the show together… And, in order to be “well-seated, well-equipped and getting experience,” everyone needs their… throne.

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon

LOSE YOURSELF, OR… is a painful segment that I need to revisit, Joanna Bernard, Malecite explains the heartache behind it, and I use this story to hopefully contradict her fear that ‘all Culture is gone.’

And because if the ease of being able to play clips myself, off we go, with May 27th being the first one, followed by C-40 Cities, with the London (England) mayor…

Of course I need to comment about those ‘countries signing‘ sounding so familiar (WWII, COVID, and now the WEF/EU) and we manage to hear Catherine Austin Fitts‘s warning, and the Pfizer Commitment to depopulate 50% of the world by 2023‘ and how proud they are of it… Good grief.

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon

Last week, we were CALLING OUT, and this week, we are GETTING IT RIGHT ~ with Tiers of Knowledge, something I like to share every now and again, this comes up, because of the ‘levels’ in everything!

The Hit List is next, and I relate this today, to WWII of yesterday, and then add on the EU’s criminalization (attempt to) Holocaust Denial, which is met by more and more resistance (gee, I wonder why)… and through by last clip on the Ernst Zündel segment, “What If“, I compare it all to JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (not to be missed!)

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon

My Buddies, the birds I feed, take over the next segment, as I share my wonder of spending time with them, and learning from them…

But I finish with another ‘what if’, Power Unchecked, and what would happen if… Something to think about.


Listen Up …

The Truth Will Set You Free!!

(Click the Image below to hear Archived Show)

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon


And as I love to say each week,

See you all next week, Creator Willing!”

Thanks so much for being there and listening-and-reading! There is so much to share! Blessings to all!


I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out TLBTalk.com as well… A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE… because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on link below video to visit site)

Checkout TLBTalk.com:

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LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty BeaconYour Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.

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LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon

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LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon


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LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E175): Power Unchecked … What If? | The Liberty Beacon


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