‘Day of Rage for Gaza’ planned in New York City | The Liberty Beacon

‘Day of Rage for Gaza’ planned in New York City | The Liberty Beacon

‘Day of Rage for Gaza’ planned in New York City

Neither the public safety office at Hunter nor the one at Columbia have issued any public alerts or warnings specifically in response to the event.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Anti-Israel activists are planning a “Citywide Day of Rage for Gaza” at Columbia University and Hunter College in New York City on Monday,

The Columbia University event, scheduled to start at 4 p.m. local time at the cross streets of Columbia’s Morningside campus, was planned by Columbia University Apartheid Divest, which describes itself as a coalition of nearly 100 student groups “that see Palestine as the vanguard for our collective liberation” and a “continuation of the Vietnam anti-war movement.”

The coalition announced the event before Columbia said Monday that it would cancel its university-wide commencement ceremony.

Day of Rage for Gaza event flyer, May 6, 2024, Columbia University, New York City Columbia University Apartheid Divest


The event at Hunter College, part of the City University of New York system, is scheduled for 5 p.m. at cross streets outside of the Upper East Side school. That event is being planned by Within Our Lifetime, an anti-Zionist group that says it supports “the right of Palestinians as colonized people to resist the zionist occupation by any means necessary,” as well as “the right of all oppressed nationality people in the United States and around the world to engage in all forms of struggle.”

The Within Our Lifetime flyer describes the event as a “CITYWIDE DAY OF RAGE FOR GAZA: From The Encampments To The Streets,” referring to the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” that started at Columbia and sparked similar protest camps at schools nationwide.

Day of Rage for Gaza event flyer, Hunter College, New York City, May 6, 2024 – Within Our Lifetime


Neither the public safety office at Hunter nor the one at Columbia have issued any public alerts or warnings specifically in response to the event. However, Columbia’s Morningside Campus access has been restricted to essential workers and students who live on campus in response to the protests.

The New York Police Department, Columbia University Public Safety Office and Hunter College Public Safety Office did not respond to Just the News’ requests for comment.


Follow Madeleine Hubbard on X or Instagram.


(TLB) published   this report with permission of John Solomon at Just the News.  Click Here to read about the staff at Just the News

Header featured image (edited) credit: Protestors/Getty Image

Emphasis added by (TLB)


‘Day of Rage for Gaza’ planned in New York City | The Liberty Beacon


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‘Day of Rage for Gaza’ planned in New York City | The Liberty Beacon


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