Joseph Edet engages CICC neighborhood communities, sues for peace and return of looted items


Joseph Edet engages CICC neighborhood communities, sues for peace and return of looted items

 The Managing Director of Summit Hills Development Estate, a housing complex for the Calabar International Convention Center – CICC, today undertook the task of engaging the neighborhood communities of one of government most valued asset, the CICC after the dastardly looting and total vandalism of the center.

Mr Joseph acknowledging the negligence on the part of government at all level with a clear promise to align with the concerns of the young people and address them immediately.

Speaking he said;

“I for one I’m a youth and i have never sat back as an onlooker

Please join as we setup security groups around your communities to assist the government in restoring law and order.

We need to make amends as soon as possible and ensure that we do not drift further into a cycle of unending carnage. These amends must come from the government and us as individuals”

He lamented the ugly incident that he said will have great effect on the economy of the state, explaining that businesses will shut for a while or longer and jobs lost, while assuring that government is trying to refurbish looted/vandalised public assets which will no doubt put heavy weight on  State’s already meagre resources

“Seeing the damages at CICC, NDDC, WAEC, HOSPITALS, PRIVATE BUSINESSES, etc, I must say that we have a major task to build back speedily and put systems in place to ensure that we do not have a repeat of the activities of the past few days

Please for the sake of posterity and the future of ourselves and our children, I beg you to kindly forgive every form of negligence but continue to ensure that your voice is heard through peaceful mediums. Shun any form of ethnic divide or gansterism and Contribute your Quota by profering lasting solutions as we join hands to rebuild our Dearly Beloved State”, he pleaded.

He assured summarily that Government will be accountable going forward.



