Ekeng Inyang: Young Crossriverians, be enterprising.

Ekeng Inyang: Young Crossriverians, be enterprising.

Majority of Government critics are very intelligent Young people who channel all their God’s given energy, time and intellects into unproductive venture of destructive criticism. 

If at least, they can be reasonable enough to channel their ideas of how Government in their own context ought to have operated and the expectant outcome, into creating viable ventures that will give us the desired end.

It would be most rewarding.

The world today in advanced countries is not built by the government but young, intelligent and determined minds.
Governments’ responsibility is just to create an enabling environment so the ideas can be reproduced. But I have read and watched from the news, young people from the most inaccessible, uncomfortable and deplorable regions built world amazing projects from scratch without the necessary provisions from government.

Unfortunately, our young people give credence more to applause than passion.

There has in the past two decades been no exceptional indigenous exploits in inventions and innovations.
Why then do we have an age long Engineering hub in the State owned University?
Let me not mention the spree of science experimenting laboratories spread across the State, yet no young scientist in Cross River State have been able to gather National attention for just attempting an exceptional solution to our local and national pandemics of various degrees.
Of course, science graduates don’t even see themselves as graduates. Some were pushed there on influence of family or community while a greater number ventured into fields of less interest for want of admission into the higher institution. Sad!
The world we live in today was given to us by God with only trees, water and soil or land, what ever nomenclature you choose to give it.
Man then created the air conditioner to cool the atmosphere when it boils and the heater to steam it when it is cold, from scratch.
The smart series which carries smart items such as the smartphone I am using today were not in Adam’s context but Charles came with an idea that has now evolved into a juicy venture for the likes of Samsung, Apple and iPhone.

It is a challenge to young Crossriverians, to divert their energy, intellect and time in building a society we desire rather than spend our time seeking loopholes in the Leadership structures.

I thought by now, we would have Crossriverians who will come up with a robust sensor programming that will put our entire system under a button on the keyboard of who ever is incharge.

We are as a matter of fact the Giant of Africa but the infant of Information/Community Technology as compared to other countries who once looked up to us.

I challenge the Young brilliant and determined minds of Cross River State, to enterprise.

I am Ekeng Inyang.
I will also contribute my little.