BEARD GANG: Why are Churches frowning against Beards and Facial Hairs?

Christian Men Grow Beards or Facial Hair?

BEARD GANG: Why are Churches frowning against Beards and Facial Hairs?
Ekeng Inyang, a bearded, devoted Christian
What does the Bible say about growing a beard? Should a Christian man in today’s society really grow a beard, or is it a sin to grow a beard? Is a beard required to be saved? Are you living in sin if you shave, or will you lose your salvation? What about churches that frown on beards or facial hair? These are interesting questions to ponder, and luckily, the Bible does have some material to draw upon for this study from both the New Testament and Old Testament.
This article will include what the Bible has to say about beards, list some men of the Bible who definitely had beards, and reveal how men should conduct their “man-scaping” (grooming) in a modern society.

Why An Article on Beards?

In today’s society, Satan is working overtime to blur the lines between a man and a woman. It is not uncommon today to see women who look just like men (both in dress, mannerisms, and hair styles). Likewise, some men wear makeup, and dress and act very effeminately with long hair and odd clothing. There are tax deductions available for those seeking “gender reassignment surgery,” and an ever growing number of transvestites and gender confusion. It seems society is getting more and more confused about the differences between a man and a woman.
God has naturally given men and women glorious distinctions, that when viewed from God’s perspective, reveal His creative power and love for both men and women as His unique children. Men and women are always equal in the eyes of God, but not the SAME. Consider these two equations: 2+2=4, and 1+3=4. Both of those equations are equal, but they most certainly are not the same. So it is with man and woman.
Satan has successfully confused people in many ways by trying to make women more manly, and men more womanly. One way Satan has done this is to make society have a more negative view on beards, as well as other gender distinctions.
What’s worse, some heretical “churches” or “cults” actually frown on men having any facial hair at all in today’s age. Can you believe it? How nonsensical is that? I’ve talked to at least a few Jehovah’s witnesses which indicated this was the case, and also other cults and false prophets “frown-on” men growing beards or facial hair. That’s one of the first sure-fire signs you’re in a cult–when they force you to do something that’s not in the Bible, or tell you not to do something that is Biblical.
In addition, this article will discuss some Old Testament passages which speak out against trimming your beard in a certain way, which have confused some people. So with all of those things in mind, here are a few general principles for you to keep in mind as you read this article:
  1. Beards have nothing to do with salvation. Growing a beard won’t save your soul. The only thing that will save you is placing your faith in Christ (and if you haven’t done so, please do!). Likewise, shaving a beard won’t make you lose your salvation. So let’s get this out of the way up-front. I don’t want you to get confused by this article.
  2. Not all men can grow full beards. Some men simply cannot grow full beards due to their natural genetics (or even no facial hair at all). If you can’t grow a beard, then fine. God didn’t allow you to do it, so don’t fret over it. It has nothing to do with salvation, and God himself created you the way you are. This article isn’t meant to belittle or condemn you. You are just as manly as a man who grows a beard. You have no obligation to do what you can’t do.
  3. God is far more concerned with the inward instead of the outward. God looks at the heart, not external things. Nevertheless, the Bible does have a lot of advice on outward appearances too. So it is important to avoid asking “Can’t I do what I want due to grace?” Rather, we should ask, “What would God have me do?”
  4. We are not under law, but under grace.  We aren’t saved by works of the law, but of God’s grace. Nevertheless, we should seek God’s word and opinion on all things, including our dress, and so forth.
  5. Many Godly men don’t have beards (by choice). There are plenty of Godly men in the world who can grow beards, but simply prefer not to. Adrian Rogers, one of the best preachers in modern history, didn’t grow a beard. I admire him tremendously. He is but one quick example of a Godly man in modern times that doesn’t sport facial hair. Also, it’s worth mentioning that some men may not be able to grow a beard due to their occupations (such as working with food, chemicals, etc.). That’s understandable, and sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.
  6. Most all men of the Bible had beards, even Jesus. Though beards are not required for salvation, it’s interesting to note that nearly all men in the Bible had beards.
  7. God’s word reveals that beards are a blessing to men, which is sadly forgotten in today’s age. While not required, growing a beard can, in a sense, give honor and glory to a God who created man with that ability. Not out of requirement, not out of salvation, but out of appreciation for God giving man that distinction. Just like women are generally blessed with long/thick hair, and the ability to bear children–so are men blessed with the ability to grow thick facial hair.