VANTAGE OF BAREFOOTEDNESS: From the stable of the Mystical man, Ray Ugba Morphy


VANTAGE OF BAREFOOTEDNESS: From the stable of the Mystical man, Ray Ugba Morphy
Ray Morphy

Someone wanted to know why I often neglect or forget to wear slippers or shoes particularly when I am home. This is my response!

The earth our home, is made of matter but is also both both magnetic and energetic. This planet generates trillions of megawatts of electricity yet many are not aware of this electrical fields in which “we move and live and have our being”! The practice of being barefooted is known as “grounding” or earthing, a practice that even science has proven to be beneficial.

VANTAGE OF BAREFOOTEDNESS: From the stable of the Mystical man, Ray Ugba Morphy

And yet, many people cheat themselves of utilising the earth’s energy both for health and spiritual benefits by harmfully insulating themselves from the earth’s magnetic and electrical fields! It is certainly okay to wear shoes, but not all the time. Indeed, you rob yourself by wearing shoes or slippers all the time.

In many spiritual traditions, holy men are depicted barefooted. Fact is that part of the energy these holy men channel for which men call them holy, are energies tapped from the earth through their bare feet! In the bible, God told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground.

Fact is that all the earth is holy in the sense that it’s energy rising from below through the feet, when properly combined with the one coming through the crown from above, leads to a state of vibration that men call holy! Apart from spiritual benefits, this energy that the earth generates which you harvest by being barefooted is also useful for the maintenance of physical bodily health.

Remember as always, knowledge is power.

Your Class Master