There’s an absolute ton of fantastic fighting game cosplays at Evo Japan 2024 but who is your favorite?

There's an absolute ton of fantastic fighting game cosplays at Evo Japan 2024 but who is your favorite?

Progressively over the past decade or so, Evo has evolved from being the world’s largest fighting game tournament to a convention that celebrates all aspects of the genre, including art and cosplay.

That also applies to the newer eastern companion as well, and with Evo Japan 2024 going down this weekend, there’s a ridiculous amount of great fighting game cosplayers showing off their hard work.

To get a sense of just how many people are there dressed up as their favorite characters, Tanakanyi recently shared a video of the cosplay parade outside the event where we count over 50 heads just in the line here.

We get to see a ton of cosplay from across different series including Bridget, Athena Asamiya, Juri Han, Marisa, Chun-Li, Sakura, F.A.N.G, Valentine, Alisa, Shermie, Cammy, Lily, Rugal, Goenitz, Terry Bogard, Rock Howard, Jamie, Zappa, Faust, Blanka, Kimberly, Blanka, Sub-Zero, Jin Kazama, and people seem to be loving the best shoulder pad-wearing teacher from Rival Schools, Hideo Shimazu, among many others.

Attendees and the cosplayers themselves are also sharing photos from Evo Japan’s first day online to get a better look at them, and these are some of the favorites we’ve come across.

Bandits|MenaRD got to meet the real Blanka with Josui’s super on point Street Fighter 6 cosplay.

We’ve been seeing quite a bit of FAV|Watarai’s Juri and Mila’s Reina though they certainly weren’t the only ones there portraying those dangerous ladies.

Miya’s gender-swapped Geese Howard brings us great joy too.

There’s almost too much going on, but it looks like everyone is having a blast like these two Lilys.

A.K.I.’s voice actor Faye Mata was even able to find her character from Hiroto Hiro.

And then there’s Ofmi’s Jamie capturing our hearts and attention too.

Finally, here’s a few more of our current favorites before we close things out.

The cosplay contest final is planned to go down during day two later tonight on the Evo Japan YouTube channel, so we’ll get to see who among all of them will get crowned as the champion soon.

There’s also plenty more in actual fighting game announcements we’re expecting out of Evo Japan this weekend too, and you can see what we believe is the most likely to show up here.

Let us know your favorites in the comments as well as any others we may have missed so far.

Images via Tanakanyi, Josui, Mila.
