This meme of Foghorn Leghorn explaining to Justin Wong why he got hit by Evo Moment 37 is the funniest thing you’ll see this week

This meme of Foghorn Leghorn explaining to Justin Wong why he got hit by Evo Moment 37 is the funniest thing you'll see this week

Well… that’s certainly not a headline I expected to ever write — but here we are.

For some reason, there’s a Foghorn Leghorn meme going around right now that seems to have made its way into the FGC. We’re thankful that it did, though, as one was created that sees the Looney Tunes character scolding fighting game legend Justin Wong and explaining to him why he got hit by the iconic Daigo parry during Evo Moment 37 — and it’s pure gold.

If you’re unfamiliar with Foghorn Leghorn, one of his defining traits is his tendency to tell others how to do things and to be fairly brash when telling them they’re making a mistake. This makes for long-winded rants where he explains what you’re doing wrong exactly, and sometimes there are a few insults to your intelligence peppered throughout his speeches.

This particular Evo Moment 37 Foghorn meme came from the mind of content creator JMCrofts, who wrote just a top notch version of what Foghorn Leghorn might say to Justin Wong for getting hit by the legendary Daigo parry.

The tweet was just so spot on here, which lead to it quickly spreading on social media. The meme was so good, in fact, that someone seemingly used AI to bring audio of what sounds like Foghorn Leghorn actually saying the things JMCrofts wrote — and it’s hilarious.

Hearing Foghorn Leghorn tell Justin Wong — one of the greatest fighting game players who ever lived — that Daigo parried him before the Super flash is so damn funny. Not to mention the god tier “made the Wong decision” joke.
