Street Fighter 6 face sleeping masks are being sold by GRAPHT at Evo Japan 2024

Street Fighter 6 face sleeping masks are being sold by GRAPHT at Evo Japan 2024

It’s been announced by Team GRAPHT on Twitter that they are selling Street Fighter 6 themed face sleeping masks at Evo Japan 2024 at the GRAPHT booth. They’ll be selling for ¥1,980, which is equivalent to about $12.79 in USD.

As seen in the images, there will be face sleeping masks for Ryu, Chun-Li, Ken, Luke, Jamie, Juri, Cammy, E. Honda, Zangief, Guile, JP, Blanka, Marisa, Manon, Dhalsim, Lily, Kimberly, Dee Jay, and Rashid. Unfortunately, there are no masks for A.K.I., Ed, or Akuma.

It should be noted that these face sleeping masks are double sided. While one side shows the eyes of the selected character, the other side shows the character’s official Street Fighter 6 transparent and background.

Those attending Evo Japan 2024 might want to consider stopping by the GRAPHT booth and picking up a face sleeping mask that depicts a fan favorite character. One look is all it would take to see which character you’d be emulating while sleeping.

Of course, those that won’t be able to attend Evo Japan 2024 will still be able to acquire these masks. These masks will also be on sale at the official Team GRAPHT website at a later, unspecified date.

Check it all out below:

Street Fighter 6 Face Masks image #1

Street Fighter 6 Face Masks image #2

Street Fighter 6 Face Masks image #3

Street Fighter 6 Face Masks image #4

Street Fighter 6 Face Masks image #5

Street Fighter 6 Face Masks image #6

Street Fighter 6 Face Masks image #7

Click images for larger versions
